I need you (requested)

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Author's Note: this chapter contains possibly triggering content. It doesn't go into detail but there are mentions of SH in this chapter.

If that makes you uncomfortable please do not read this and wait for my next update instead! It'll be out soon.

I love you all so much and think you're perfect just the way you are. If you ever need anything, my messages are always open.

If you do choose to read this, I hope you enjoy it. Lots of love, Kay 🤍


Reaching for your phone with shaky hands, you tapped on Jennie's name before placing your phone against your ear as it began to ring.

You were sitting on the bedroom floor, trying so hard to resist the urges you're feeling as your mind raced with negative thoughts.

Today, you made the mistake of reading through the hate comments and remarks directed at you and you're regretting it as your mind is getting the best of you.

It's made you want to reach for your blades again, though you're trying so hard to resist doing so.

Jennie told you that if you ever feel this way, you're to call her and she'll hurry home to you.

The only problem with that?

She's not answering her phone.

It seems like the worst time for that to happen because you really need her right now and can't seem to get ahold of her.

As you reached her voicemail, you cursed before ending the call and doing the next best thing you could think of.

You tapped on another contact in your phone before putting your phone back against your ear and listening to it ring yet again.

But this time, a familiar voice appeared on the other end of the line and you breathed out a slight sigh of relief upon hearing her voice.

"Y/N? Hi! Is everything okay?" Rosé asked.

You didn't want to tell her what you were experiencing because even though you're close with all the girls, Jennie is the only one you've ever told about your urges.

And you need her more than anything else.

"Is Jennie there? She's not answering her phone and I really need to talk to her."

"Is something wrong, Y/N?" Rosie wondered.

She could tell by your voice that something wasn't right.

"I need Jennie." You sniffled.

"Okay, she's right here. Jennie!" Rosie called out.

And, finally, just a second later, you heard her voice.

"Y/N, baby? What's the matter?"

"You told me to call you if I'm ever having... urges." You said as you began to tear up. "I went on social media and now I feel bad about myself and I don't know what to do. I need you, Jennie."

"Okay, baby, don't you worry. I'm on my way home right now. I'll be there in just a few minutes. Will you be alright? My phone died so I can't talk on it."

"I'll be okay."

"Are you sure? You can hang in there until I get home?"

"Yeah." You sniffled.

"Okay, I'll be only a few minutes. I'm leaving right now. I love you. Keep resisting those urges for me, okay?"

"I'll try."

She ended the call a second later and you dropped your phone on the floor, hugging your knees to your chest until she arrived home a few minutes later.

"Y/N!" She yelled as she ran upstairs and into the bedroom.

She let out a sigh of relief when she saw you on the floor, unharmed.

Coming over to you, she sat down beside you and rubbed your back for a second before pulling you into her embrace.

"I've got you, darling." She whispered.

"It's so hard to resist sometimes, Jennie. It was so intense. I wanted to give in."

"But you didn't. You called me instead. You're so strong, my love."

You leaned your head back against her shoulder and closed your eyes, feeling safe and secure in her arms.

"Im so sorry my phone died, baby. I'll make sure I charge it next time, just in case."

"It's okay. I got ahold of Rosie and she got you. You're home with me now and that's all I need." You said as she kissed your head softly.

"Are you still feeling the urge to hurt yourself?" She asked with a shaky breath as she tightened her arms around you slightly, feeling a little nervous about the answer you might give her.

"Not really. Now that I've got you with me, I feel safer. They've gone away. I just felt so overwhelmed. People were saying such hurtful things about me and it all got to me."

"It happens, baby. But remember - you're perfect to me and that's all that matters, right?"

You nodded, staring at her with a small tired smile.

"It's normal to feel overwhelmed sometimes but I'm always here for you. I think you're perfect just the way you are. I'm so proud of you for fighting and for calling me instead of hurting yourself. You're stronger than you know."

"Thank you, baby." You said and shared a sweet kiss. "Thank you for being here for me and for helping me through this."

"Always, my love. You come first, no matter what. And I'm always going to be here for you through it all. I promise."

You put your head back on her shoulder and felt yourself relax a little, feeling much better now that you were wrapped in her arms.

Jennie Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now