Episode 1: Jungle Pains

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The season starts with Chris explaining what happened in the previous season which wasn't too long ago, only a week to be exact, he then explains that they're now at a Jungle Island that was right by the other island.

"It took a lot to get here, fuel, money, interns. But now we're here. Welcome to Total Drama Awaniko Jungle!"


He then starts the re-introduction of the campers.

Priya and Bowie come first on a boat.

They are greeted by Chris and are instructed to stand on the red and white mats.

"You know you're a horrible person right? I mean who even does something like that to win?"


"I thought your parents would've better prepared you for what Total Drama has to share, I guess not."


Chris says that as the winners of last season, they get to choose their own teams and they both celebrate a little.

Millie comes on the island and Priya hugs her.

Millie has a confessional:

"Yeah after what happened last week I really don't want to get on Priya's bad side anymore. But.. I can't get this acking feeling that she SHOULD defend herself from her parents.."


Next is Julia.

"YOU! You are SOOO dead to me! Like- deader than my snake I forgot to feed a month ago! In fact, you ALL are SUCH buttknuckles there should be a new term like-"


"GIRL! Would you just get on the mat?!"


Julia groans before standing on Bowie's mat.

Next is Chase & Emma, who are making out on the boat.

Chase & Emma have a confessional together:

"A lot happened to us when we went on the first season!"


"Yeah, remember when you tried killing me like.. every episode? I could never tell why though.."


"I'd like to forget that, okay? All I know is that nothing else bad could possibly happen whenever we're together."


Bowie and Emma share a sad look before Bowie chooses Chase and Emma is chosen by Priya.

Bowie has a confessional.

"Before anyone tries asking, I would rather have Chase with me because honestly I'd rather have the less annoying one with me that won't cry and whine about what happened the other week.."


Emma is terrified that she's being taken away from Chase.

Emma has a confessional:

"UGH! Stupid Bowie! He's trying to take me away from Chase just to spite me?! I get that we aren't exactly friends anymore, but that's just low. Ah, I wonder how Chase is taking this.."


Chase has a confessional:

"I.. I miss that pizza.."


Next up is MK.

MK has a confessional:

"Okay, okay.. my last time was well.. less than stellar, I tried going under the radar which may I inform you is NOT a bad strategy, I just went about it the wrong way, but this time, I'm really gonna need some extra protection just in case it goes wrong like last time."

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