Chapter 29

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A few days had gone by and there was still no sign of Robin. Perci was becoming worried for her old friend, but she also knew he could take care of himself. She'd grown more curious as to what had happened as the days went on. Starfire was also calling her multiple times a day asking for any updates. Perci knew she was worried about Robin, but the constant calls didn't help the situation.

Perci was currently at her super teen club. Trying to ease her mind, and silently hoping Robin would come to give her any information on what was happening. She was seated on one of the many bar stools around while the person she was with continued to talk to her.

"And I was like-huh? Are you okay?" Perci's mind came back to the present as she glanced over at who was talking to her. The teen had long black hair that was pulled back into a messy bun. He was wearing ripped blue jeans, a white tank top, and a brown leather jacket. "U-uh, y-yeah, sorry. What were you saying?" Perci asked as her previous thoughts still sat at the front of her mind.

"I was asking if you were alright. You've seemed pretty out of it. You've...seemed a bit distracted for the past few days actually." He said as he stared at her with soft eyes. Perci rubbed the back of her head as she shook her head. "N-no, I'm fine. Really." The hero next to her didn't believe her, but decided not to push an answer from her.

The hero she'd met while with the Titans had been coming around quite a lot to talk to her. Perci didn't really mind too much, but she didn't really want to have any conversations. She wasn't there to have fun like she normally would. Either way, their conversations tended to turn awkward rather fast thanks to her.

Thankfully, a soft buzzing and flashing red light broke up the awkward conversation she'd been having with Aqualad. The flashing light shined through Perci's body slightly as pink roses grew through her cheeks. "S-sorry, I gotta..." Perci said as she pulled the communicator from her shoulder. She normally would never do this, but this was the perfect excuse for her to get away. Aqualad gave her a soft nod with a smile knowing she had work to do. Perci quickly ran through the vines holding up the walls of the building. The root system taking her exactly where she needed to go.

The teen appeared in her green outfit between a few large buildings. Perci wasted no time as she used her powers to climb up onto the buildings. She was only a couple rooftops away from where the Titan communicator told her to go. A soft sigh left Perci's mouth as she read the small bit of information that had been sent to the device.

"A robbery? This is the fourth one in the past week. Having to work around all of these bad guys schedules is exhausting." She said as she sat on the edge of the building. Her legs dangling over the edge as she waited for something eventful to happen. "God, I hate hero work."

The cold night air blew gently across Perci's features as she hummed softly to herself. She'd been waiting a few minutes for the Titans to arrive slowly becoming more and more impatient by the second. To Perci's dismay, she'd agreed to become a temporary member of the team again. She made it exceptionally clear to the others that she'd only join them if it was absolutely necessary. The only reason she even agreed was because of Starfire's puppy dog eyes.

A soft tsk left Perci's mouth as she thought about what she was doing. "I can't believe I'm getting dragged back into this crap. Not cool, (Y/n)...not cool." She said to herself before noticing the Titans finally arrive. What caught her real attention was the person who emerged from inside the building. A large smirk played on her features as she stared at them.

"Do my eyes deceive me?!" Perci said to herself genuinely amused by the situation. "Robin's gone rogue!" She stood up from where she was sitting as she laughed. She stood on her toes as she got a better look at the action. "Wait until Alfred and Bruce catch wind of this!" She laughed as her smirk widened at the thought of Robin possibly getting chewed out over this. She pulled out her phone and took a few pictures of Robin as she giggled to herself about how she could use them later.

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