Chapter 9

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"Mhm! Would you look at that!" Cyborg said catching Star, Robin, and Perci's attention. "A little sunshine, a little breeze. Only one thing could make this day better." Cyborg said before opening the barbecue. "Four and a half pounds of baby back ribs!" He said before walking over to the table setting his plate down.

"Man, I love picnic food!" Cyborg said before immediately starting to devour his ribs as soon as he sat down at the picnic table. Robin was already working on a sandwich he'd made and Starfire was slurping her drink. Perci Bloom was sat with her head resting on the table with her arm cushioning her slightly. Her eyes were closed peacefully and she wasn't asleep quite yet, but she was getting there. Small stems, leaves, vines, rose buds, and even full roses in bloom were growing visibly from her body in her peaceful and relaxed state.

"Agreed, Cyborg." Star said coming up for air. "This tangy yellow beverage is truly delightful!" Star said before slurping again making all three of the hero's look at her in slight disgust. "Uh...please tell me I'm not the only one that is seeing what I think I see." Perci said with a slight yawn as she rubbed her eye with her hand coming out of her tired state. "Uh...Starfire..." Cyborg started to say. "That's mustard." Robin finished with a questionable gaze on the girl. "Is there more?" She asked with a blush as she eagerly asked for more. "I really thought you were talking about lemonade for a minute there." Perci said with a soft smile as she watched the girl beam over the condiment.

"Aren't you hungry, N- I mean, Perci?" Cyborg asked and she shook her head no. "Nah, I'm good. Already ate technically." She said pointing up at the sun. "Can you not eat the regular human food?" Star asked and Perci shook her head no. "No, I can. But buying food? In this economy? Yeah, I'd rather just stick with what my body naturally does. Besides, it takes like three times as long for me to digest normal food." Perci explained.

"I do not run into that problem. Mine is quite the opposite." Star said making Perci raise a brow at her. "Really? Why's that?" She asked curious about the alien. "Yes. I have nine stomachs making my digestion process a lot faster than humans." Starfire said before taking a long sip of her mustard. Perci on the other hand stared at her with wide eyes as her mouth hung open. "You have six stomachs?!" She practically yelled before she composed herself. "I knew I liked you before, but it's official now, sweetheart. You're definitely my favorite out of all the titans." Perci said making a blush appear on Star's cheeks as she let out a soft giggle.

Cyborg quickly finished eating and ran into the open field with a football in his hand. "Alright, y'all! Who wants to play some foo-ball?!" Cyborg yelled and Perci couldn't help but watch in amusement as all of the teens dashed over. Well, except for Raven of course. "Oh yeah!" "I do!" "Oh yeah! Give me the ball!" The other titans all said as they ran over.

Raven stayed seated in her shady spot as the others waited for her response. "I'll be referee." She said in her normal monotone voice. Perci was a little surprised as the groups gaze turned to her. "You playing, Bloom?" Robin asked while Perci tilted her head to the side sort of confused as to why he'd even ask. "Your teams will be uneven if I join. So, I'll stick this one out. If someone needs a break I'll jump in." She said staying seated at the picnic table.

The teams were Robin and Cyborg vs Starfire and Beast Boy. Robin and Cy started off with the ball and got ready to play. "Red, 23! Hut! Hut! Hut!" Robin yelled and Cy passed the ball to him before running towards the other side of the field with Star right behind him. Robin got ready to throw the football as Beast Boy stood in front of him ready to block. "One Gotham City, two Gotham City." Beast Boy said and Perci couldn't help but smile at their antics.

"You can run, you can fly, but you can't catch Cy!" Cyborg said as he ran from Starfire who was now flying after him. "Four Gotham City, fIVE GOTHAM CITY!" Beast boy yelled. Robin let out a yell as Beast Boy changed into a triceratop and started charging at him. Perci couldn't help but laugh at the look on Robin's face from the sidelines.

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