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Fajr's pov: Today is the 1st day of our summer holiday,as I opened the window of my room a glance of sun hit my face,and saying the truth it gave me a relaxation because we don't really get the sun in the UK.as I checked the time on my phone which was 9:22 it came in my mind to plan a pic nic day with my bestys. My 2 best friends Saher and Avin who are the same age as mine just a few months of difference.
Saher is also 18,she's just few months younger then me I was born in October and she was born in March,she's Pakistani and Punjabi just like me,our family's live in the same village in pakistan so they knew each other already actually they were the reason of why we met.
I met her at my house 7 8 years ago and let me tell you,we didn't imagine that we would even become friends at that moment haha but here we are today Alhamdullillah doing everything together,she's studying economics,if anyone ever needs help in maths we always run to her haha.
Avin is older then both of us,she's a December baby but she the BABY of our group,Avin is half Kurdish(iraqi) from her dad's side and half British( from her biological mom side),her parents seperated when she was really small so she doesn't even remember how she looked like, we never left her alone because let me tell you one thing about Avin she will make you laugh until your tummy starts hurting hahah,Avin is studying medical to become a Dr in the future .

Oh I forgot to tell you about my self,as we're all In the second year of college we're all in the same college (Imperial college London) just different campus I am studying Child Care,I love working with children's so in the future I want to become a teacher, Saher is the top student always Avin also has to work hard to get her work done and mine isn't really hard personally as I love what I study so today I want to just chill with my bestys.

MY GIRLS♡ (WhatsApp grp name)
Fajr:ASSALAMUALAIKUM and good morning girls,I hope everyone is good.
Girls listen:look how beautiful the weather is,let's go for a pic nic before we all get busy.

Saher:How can I say no when we have to go together,I'm coming.
Well I think Dr Avin is still sleeping as 9:47 is to early for her to get up so let's wait for her haha.

Fajr: haha,but I know she will be ready.
Fajr's POV: Avin also was ready so we just decide what to bring,and we also decide to meet at a beach which is quite mostly so we can be comfortable,now I'm all ready and I'm just gonna go and catch my bus before I miss it.
Saher:oh finally ur here
Avin:o come on I was just late for 10 15 minutes
Fajr:Haha its normal for her to be late.now cover your eyes Avin.
Avin:excuse me but why do I have to
Fajr:don't you trust us! Just cover your eyes and just trust me bro

Fajr POV:Me and Saher had planned a bachelor/bridal shower for her as she's getting married after 3 weeks,she's getting married in Iraq as her relatives and our soon to be Brother in laws family lives there.
Fajr and Saher:"SURPRISEE" They both shouted together with a huge smile on their face
Avin:"omg" she said as she started and started crying .
Fajr:Fajr came closer to give her a hug along Saher and said,"Yooo why are you crying...didn't you like the surprise?"
Avin:"no I didn't like it!" Both Sehar and Fajr got confused.  "I LOVE IT" She said crying and hugged her bestys

They all set there and had a chat until it was Zohrs time,but first they had to make sure its a clean space to pray and they prayed just where they were sitting. After praying they started eating and chatting along.

Avin:when did you guys plan the surprise and k had no idea,HOW?"
Fajr:"if we have already told you then how would that be a surprise,Also we were planning to throw a little bridal shower for you before you will leave.We can't be on your wedding but we still can enjoy your wedding " She said smiling and holding Avins hand
Saher:I'm so happy for you that your getting married to the man that you always loved,May Allah swt always keep you happy She said looking at Avin who had tears of joy in her eyes
I'm so happy too se ourself come so far together Alhamdullillah.
Avin: and I'm so happy to see you move on,your really strong,you know you will get the reward for the sabr that you had all this time" She said looking at Fajr
Fajr:"Girls after Allah you guys were the reason that I moved on so quickly,I'm so grateful to Allah swt for giving me such friends who are always with me in my ups and downs"
It was sunset time so they went to grab a coffee before they lastly go to visit a view point where you can see sunset clearly.
(At the coffe shop);
Amar:hi Mam what would you like today
Fajr:"Hi can I have a Frappuccino and Matchas please"
Amar:"yes...Would like to have anything else?"
Fajr:"no I'm alright thanks"
Amar:"your bill is ready,its £13.47.
Thank you,Have a good time!"
Fajr:"Thanks you too",she went to her friends who were sitting at the coffee table with their coffee.
Saher:"Fajr don't you think that guy is quite ...Attractive" she said looking at Amar
Fajr:"no I don't think so" She said laughing along Avin
"But one thing I know is that the coffee does taste really good!"
Avin:"hm i came here once with my Colleagues,it jutted opened few weeks ago"

They had their Coffe and went to their last destination before they would go back home.

Amars pov: "why does that girl keep coming in my mind" he said in his heart while he was sitting at back, "What was soo different in her?"
His sister Jannat got her brother out of her thoughts as she said "Hello Bhai jaan!where are you lost haan?"
Amar:"hm,no no I wasn't lost anywhere I'm just a little tired"
Jannat:"okay come let's make some last orders and then we can leave"
It was 18:33 so they didn't have long left until they would close the cafeteria at 7 o clock.
Jannat is really close to her brother Amar more then her twin Hassan as they're always just arguing,so she comes to help her brother sometimes.

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