「Chapter 23 - Phone A Friend」

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[TW: mention of blood and Suicidal thoughts]

"Arty?" Ryan tilts his head.

"Her attachment she has been working with, " River answers as he sits next to you with a hand on your back. 

"Fuck okay..."

"Why do you say something is wrong? What are you not telling us?" Addy turns to you with a demanding and worried look.

"I see their attachment too. I felt Arty for a brief moment until he... screamed, " You tell her the truth. 

Arty was there, but you can't feel anything again other than fear now. 

"You see Kevin?" Ryan looks at you with wide eyes. 

"Saw, " You correct him, looking around for the shadow to no avail.

"He's seriously fucking with you Y/n. Bro, we need to call Amanda, now, " River looks at his twin with sincere worry. 

"Wait, call her after you get the trip all sorted!" 

"Your bleeding bitch, what do you mean?" Addy stares down at you in disbelief.

"Your safety is first, " River agrees. 

"I got it, " Ryan doesn't hesitate to pull his phone out and quickly makes the call. 

The morning gets only more hectic as your plans shift rapidly. Wyatt confirms that you and your sister can come as Ryan and River book the new dates on everything else. You eventually end up on the phone with Amanda speaking to her about what just happened.

"Okay if this thing is attacking people it's not even attached to we have some serious issues, " Amanda says.

"Well... about that, " You sigh and avoid all eye contact with Ryan and Addy, the last two you haven't told, "Hypothetically, would this make more sense if I... invited it to attach?"

"You did what?" Amanda sounds horrified.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Ryan raises his voice too.

You feel River shift next to you to face his brother. There is no use in hiding everything now, not if Kevin is physically affecting you this badly. 

"I told him to attach to me to not ruin your night! It was dumb but... I did it!" You lock eyes with the table, unable to look at Ryan. 

"Y/n, Kevin is not some friendly ghost you can help."

"Dude I know! I know I fucked up when I felt it draining me the second I told it to, " You agree with him. 

"Calm down all of you. Making Y/n emotionally unstable will just get her possessed at this rate, " Amanda calmly tries to bring the energy down again. 

"Fuck..." Ryan mutters, "Sorry..."

"What can you do?" Addy asks her.

"I will meet you all in Austin, I am like an hour away and here for the rest of the week. From there I will assess what can be done. For now Y/n I have a few things you need to do, " Amanda begins.

The next hour she explains for you to stay calm and not give him the attention and fear he feeds on. Going over things that have helped the guys. Eagerly Ryan offers to help despite him being upset with you earlier. 

"Thanks, Amanda, we will see you soon, " You say a quick goodbye and hand Ryan his phone. 

Ryan takes it and the tension lingers in the room longer than you'd like. He lets out a heavy sigh eventually and hugs you suddenly. 

Twin Paranormal: Haunted Hearts (River x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now