「Chapter 3 - The Set Up」

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"Don't yawn I am already on two hours of sleep!" Wyatt waves you away with a smile.

"Same! So let's get some coffee and head out!" River zips up the last of the equipment.

You glance at your phone and see it's nearly seven in the afternoon, " Really this early?"

"Its better to get some footage if we can before the sun goes down, " Wyatt answers, grabbing a backpack himself.

"Honestly we usually prep earlier sometimes. This is one of the more rushed investigations that we have had, " Ryan adds.

"Oh? I guess that makes sense. I hope I didn't have a hand in that, " You say, letting your thoughts flow out.

"Not unless you control the weather and the airports. Which if you do, that would be so helpful, " River chuckles.

"I wish, " You giggle.

Still holding on to Rivers's beanie you stand up. As the guys begin to walk in front of you, you lag behind with River who takes his time to get off the other bed. When he notices you waiting he looks at you expectantly.

"So are you keeping that? Or do you want this back?" You show him his beanie and look at your hat still on his head.

"You can put it in my bag, I don't think you wanna wear it, " he chuckles.

"I have never really worn a beanie so I doubt it would look good on me, " You shake your head and walk behind him to put it away in his backpack.

"I don't know about that, " River begins, seeming to pause to think before speaking again, " Most people look good in them."

You giggle, shrugging off the comments and walk past him. River follows behind you and you all make your way into the elevator and back down to the lobby without incident. River shows a Valet the ticket and in a timely manner, they pull up with the car. River takes the driver seat and Ryan takes shotgun so you join Wyatt in the back.

River once again drives with one hand as he navigates to the coffee shop nearby. Parking is incredibly hard, as usual downtown, so you and Wyatt are dropped off and head inside the Alamo Coffee Shop. The Twins then drive off for a moment to wait to come back around and pick you two up.

Wyatt opens the door for you so you give a quick thank you and step inside. The smell of coffee pours out and causes waves of comfort, you love coffee, and the display of fresh large pretzels makes your mouth water. It's a bit crowded being so small but the inside was a cozy and industrial design.

"So, how are you so far? What do you think of the twins?" Wyatt pipes up, taking a step into the line with you.

"Actually really good. They are awkward, like me. I am really excited for tonight if not even more after talking with all of you!" You reply enthusiastically.

"That's awesome! I am glad you guys are getting along, " he smiles. 

You both take another step forward when you get a buzz on your phone. You take it out and glance at it. Your heart sinks, why is he texting?

"I am sure when we have a day to chill and maybe get some drinks together you will warm up even more with them. You drink right?" Wyatt continues. 

"Yeah, yeah. I would really like that actually, " You say more excited about drinking than you normally would be. You really like the idea of getting drunk and not thinking about the fact your ex texted you for the first time since you moved away.

You both step forward again and after Wyatt orders, you order your coffee and decide you want a pretzel too. It's not long before you take your drinks and food. Wyatt texts the twins to come back around and you both hop in as soon as you see them pull up.

Twin Paranormal: Haunted Hearts (River x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now