「Chapter 18 - Obvious」

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The week goes by slower than you thought. Deciding to keep it a secret from River makes it more nerve-wracking than you thought too. In order to even manage it you have to lessen your time talking to him on call or you know you are gonna slip up. 

River thankfully doesn't seem to notice or comment on it though. Ryan nonstop texts you throughout the days up to the trip, planning what you all are going to do. His plan is to sneak you and Addy inside the house and send the other two on a short errand.

You get more and more excited by the day. Arty however seems unsure about leaving again but trusts you. It's a strange feeling knowing he is coming with you.

Day of, Addy and you get an Uber to the airport and settle in for the long flight. When you land you and Addy are freezing, unprepared for the sudden snowfall. 

"Are you excited to see him?" Addy nudges you.

"I think my head is still not fully understanding that's what's happening, " You admit and look at her unsure.

"Aww, you're cute!" She leans into you slightly, " I am sure your lover boy missed you."

You roll your eyes and quickly put your luggage in the trunk of the Uber. The entire time you are texting Ryan to know the status of the guys who are unaware of you both coming still. 

Your driver pulls up to a modest and modern looking home. Standing outside in his thick fluffy white jacket is Ryan. You feel like you are in a weird dream but the excitement that rushes through you is genuine. Quickly you get out of the back as Addy tips the driver.

Ryan jogs to you and hugs you tightly, he is strangely both cold and warm.

"I want to catch up but fuck it's so cold, let get you girls inside fast, " Ryan laughs and moves to the back of the car. 

"Where are we gonna hide our stuff again?" Addy shouts as she begins to grab her bags out of the trunk. 

"My room until they get back!" He says and gives her a quick hug as well.

You all pull your luggage inside and when Ryan opens the door. The warmth that flows out is incredibly inviting. A soft mew however draws your attention downward. A fluffy grey cat rubs against furniture but quickly trots away when he sees you and Addy.

"Olive! It's okay buddy!" Ryan calls to him in a soft voice and looks back apologetically.

"He will warm up to you eventually, Y/n, " Addy giggles and walks past you after shutting the door. 

"He is so cute!" You watch as he sits near the corner of a wall and watches you with big, judgemental green eyes.

The house is very clean but still looks lived in. To the right is a short hall with a door on the left. You guess it's a bathroom trying to see past the open door. The hall leads into what you assume is an office judging by the computers that are open to editing software. To your left is a long black leather couch with blankets all over it and a recliner. 

In front of you and near the back of the house is an open floor-plan kitchen. Three bar stools sit pushed against the marble counters. To the left is a sliding glass door that leads outside. On your right is the hall that Olive guards and a door slightly ajar to the left of it.

You hear a soft buzzing and Ryan quickly holds his pointer finger to his mouth as he turns to you and Addy.

"Sup?" Ryan answers his phone and puts it on speaker.

"We are on our way home, should we get lunch now or wait?" Wyatt asks, his voice is a bit grainy through the phone.

"Uh wait, I am not quite hungry yet, " Ryan shrugs and waves for you and Addy to follow him.

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