「Chapter 22 - Promise Kept」

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[TW: Suggestive everything, mention of SA trauma, slight description of blood]

"Y-yes. And when you didn't correct Jaide, or told that girl you h-had someone..." You continue to point out all of the moments you have had doubts regardless of how happy it makes you, " Are we officially together?"

"I would really like to be If that's okay with you, " River gently cups your cheek and stares into your eyes.

You nod, rapidly agreeing, before leaning in and kissing him again. He chuckles softly and kisses you back sweeter than before. You don't get to exchange any more words when you see a shadow that runs at the back door. It swings open and Ryan quickly shuts it before opening the driver's seat.

"Sorry! Tried to run here, it's pouring dude!" Ryan laughs, breathing heavily.

River moves away from you only slightly and leans forward, handing the keys to his brother.

"All good, guess you are driving though, can you do that?" River asks for confirmation from him.

"I don't like driving as much as you but I don't want to go back out there, " Ryan points to the windows that have even heavier rainfall hitting them, "Plus you two look cozy back there."

"You can't tease me about it anymore dude, " River rolls his eyes and leans back in his seat with a smile still on his face.

"What?" Ryan turns around in his seat to look back at you both with an excited but unsure smile. 

You are confused too and tilt your head at River. He smirks at you and pulls you in suddenly for another quick kiss. In front of his brother like this the reality really hits you, causing your face to get even hotter. 

"I really hope you told her about your long ass crush before that, "Ryan laughs and turns back around with a shake of his head. 

"He didn't but to be fair we kind of confessed months ago, " You admit to Ryan.

Ryan then excitedly tells you about River's behavior before you were official. You settle in next to River, both of you putting on seatbelts as he pulls out into the rainy night. 

The red never leaves River's face as his brother helps you understand just how bad River had it for you too. He talked a lot about you and always seemed a little happier when he got off calls with you. You are the only girl he has ever seen him fall asleep on calls with. He even caught him stalking your Instagram.

You try to make him feel a little better by admitting some things you did too. Although seeing him so flustered and trying to explain his thoughts or actions made you unexplainably happy.

"Alright, enough of this! How did it go with Jaide?" River changes the subject, still smiling.

"It went well! We have another date planned as an official couple when we get back from that location we have in Austin!" Ryan happily takes the chance to talk about his night.

"Look at that you both got girlfriends now!" You giggle and look at River with admiration. 

"Guess this was a good idea Ry, " River smiles wide back at you before looking at his brother.

You didn't expect tonight to go as well as it has. Despite the draining attachment, it was worth the danger you might be in, in your mind anyway. 

As if you summoned it back with a thought though a wave of lethargy washes over you. As best you can you lean closer to River who seems to notice you're getting sleepy. 

"Wanna lay down?" Ryan asks, looking at you in the reflection of the rearview mirror. 

"I think so, I am getting tired again, " You sigh and wait until he gets to a stop light to unbuckle. 

Twin Paranormal: Haunted Hearts (River x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now