「Chapter 9 - Restless」

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"Sorry, just didn't want the creep staring at you, " River apologizes.

"I appreciate it River, " You wave dismissively back with a smile, " Besides I don't mind it."

 You see River look at you but can't bring yourself to turn your head back around. "I. Don't. Mind?" You repeat to yourself, "Yes let's make things awkward Y/n."

Back at the table you take your seat again and notice Ryan staring intently at you. It's as if he can't tell if he sees something. You tilt your head at him, wordlessly encouraging him to speak.

"Everything alright?" Ryan asks as you sit down, "You look so red."

"We are drinking, one. Two, that bartender pisses me off, " You slide Wyatt and Ryan's drinks forward.

"What did he do now?" Wyatt looks at you worried.

"Flirted hardcore with her and didn't accept it when she shut him down, " River answers.

"I don't think even if I kissed River in front of him he would have taken 'no' as an answer, "You say, letting your thoughts flow a little more freely.

River turns to you suddenly, you notice him trying to hide his reaction though by taking a sip of his drink. "Was that too much?" you think.

"What if you kissed me?" Ryan says with a goofy smile on his face.

A playful smile appears on your face as you turn to him. Ryan glances at his brother and you notice Wyatt chuckle too. When you turn to River he is looking away from you. Something happened but you didn't catch it and are not about to prod.

"I could have kissed anyone and he would think he's the better option, " You laugh.

The rest of the night flies by too fast. It's possibly the most fun you have had in a long time. Not to mention the most you have been able to be open, honest, and playful with people. It sounds crazy but you really see yourself clicking with them as friends already.

There is still a voice pounding at the back of your head... Do you want to risk getting hurt?

As the night comes to an end you make your way into the elevator with the guys, Wyatt takes you to your room this time. You don't bother to argue after the interaction with the bartender though and thank them.

You wave to the twins and lean further back against the wall. The elevator doors shut, locking you with Wyatt for a moment. As it moves higher you feel slightly sick and it's not from the drinks.

"Okay, I don't really care. But, I owe Addison a drink if I am right. Are you actually into them?" Wyatt has a sly smile on his face as he looks at you.

"Owe Addy a- Oh fucking... damn it she was serious, " You groan and push away from the wall as the door dings open.

You both exit and Wyatt chuckles when you walk faster. In a way you are glad she can trust him with information but did she have to tell him this?

"You know what I mean I take it? The twins are your type?"

"Yes, Mr. Nosy. You both are perfect for each other, " you say under your breath, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Hey, hey, you can think they are attractive that's fine! I just wanted to know if she really was right!"

"She's my sister of course she knows if a guy is my type. How else would she tease me about it?"

"Yeah, my sister can tell a lot about me too. It's a sibling thing." 

You let out a short laugh and notice that feeling of being watched returns when you near your room. It sends a chill down your spine that makes you need to look behind you just in case. Thankfully no one is there but the hall feels... too long.

Twin Paranormal: Haunted Hearts (River x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now