「Chapter 19 - Honesty」

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[TW: Suggestive themes]

The next morning you take a deep breath and smile when you open your eyes to see Copper curled up on the end of the bed. River still clings to you, sleeping soundly on your chest. 

The position is more intimate than you are used to but it feels right. Gently you continue to run your fingers through River's hair. He is so precious, you can't help but stare down at him.

In the kitchen, you hear the faint voices of the others and what sounds and smells like cooking. River stirs a little but doesn't move his head from your chest.

"Sleep well?" River asks, his voice low and groggy.

"Yeah, you?" You smile.

"I have never slept so good in a long time, " River admits to you and slowly turns his head to face you.

You feel your heart leap when he looks up at you. He has no business being this attractive when just waking up. There is a bit of guilt feeling that way though knowing he is being genuine with you right now.

"You mean it?"

"You think I am so hyper in videos because It's natural?" River looks away in thought for a moment and then back at you, " Well a part of it is that."

"I was going to say..."

"Hey!" River chuckles and slowly sits up, stretching his arms out, "Anyway, I was going to say it's the caffeine that makes it worse."

"That makes sense. I am glad I can help and I can't wait to keep helping, " You sit up too, and notice a bit of his hair is out of place.

When you say that he looks appreciative and then watches as you lean closer to him. The moment is so peaceful as you gently pat his head. You stare back into his eyes as he leans in closer to you. 

Time slows as he gently reaches his hand for your face. You lean into his hand, making him smile and rub his thumb over your cheek. 

"Just like Copper. My nickname still fits, " River giggles.

"Would that make me yours?" You stare back at him with a playful smile.

"You want to be my pet that bad?" He raises his eyebrows at you with a dangerous smirk on his lips.

"It does sound good coming from you."

You don't know where the confidence is coming from but it pays off. River pulls your face to his and kisses you with a sudden passion. His hand moves from your cheek to your neck, making you lose your balance. 

He doesn't seem to mind when your hand lands on his thigh. You feel his other hand, rest on your side, his touch is intoxicating. The moment seems to last forever and you aren't sure what to make of it as he keeps kissing you. 

When you pull away from each other the look in his eyes excites you. But, you can tell he is holding back when he lets out a deep breath and turns away from you.

"I guess it sounds good to you too?" You tease him, and giggle.

"This is a dangerous game you're playing, " River turns back to you with a look he has never given you. 

"No games. Just truth, " You smile softly at him and refuse to look away.

His gaze softens as looks back at you. It's as if he is searching for something in your eyes.

"Nothing has changed, " You try to reasure him, turn around and grab the ring you laid next to your phone and put it on your finger, "I am holding you to it."

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