「Chapter 13 - Denial」

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"Yeah. I can tell. Plus if you intend to marry my sister I feel like they will be around a lot more, " You look back at him one last time and wave him goodnight.

"Doesn't sound like a bad thing!"

You roll your eyes and smile to yourself as you open the door to your room.

Back inside you settle in again and pull the comforter up to your chest. When you close your eyes however you feel a strangely familiar sensation of being watched. 

You sit up briefly to look around but chalk it up to paranoia after the other night and eventually get to sleep.

The next morning as you are washing dishes Ryan is leaning over the counter texting. River and Wyatt are still sitting at the table drinking their coffees.

"Hey guys?" River stands up with his coffee in hand.

You, Ryan and Wyatt turn to him, waiting for him to continue.

"Did you know Seth and Josh were gonna be in town?" River looks between Ryan and Wyatt.

"What no way!" Wyatt exclaims.

"We should do something with them, how long are they here for?" Ryan has an excited smile on his face.

"Who exactly are they?" You interject.

"Oh, shit yeah, they are ghost-hunting buddies of ours!" River answers.

"They are really chill, I promise you'll like them, " Ryan reassures you.

"For sure! They are actually already here and were asking if they could maybe come over later to hang out since they won't be here much longer."

"Would you be willing to meet more people Y/n?" Wyatt turns to you.

"Yeah, why not?" You shrug, "We could finish the rest of our drinks and use the hot tub now that it's getting cooler again!"

The idea does scare you but at the same time if you are drinking you are less likely to care. Plus it's not like you have never been dragged to parties of strangers before. 

"Awesome! I am gonna let them know then!" River smiles and quickly turns back to his phone.

You can't help but smile at him seeing his dimples appear. Even in the morning's River never stops catching your eye. But, you have admired friends before, it's nothing more than that. 

Ryan helps you finish up the dishes. Not without splashing you with soap and making a little more of a mess first. Afterward, you decide to spend the day chilling in the living room.

When it gets around time for Seth and Josh to come over. Nervous to make a good impression you take a shower and put a little more effort into your look. 

Nothing too extreme just a slight smoky eye with waterproof elements. For your outfit, you put your black bikini on and grab your cover-up. It's nothing fancy just an absorbent dress that has sheer roses scattered about.

"Are you preparing for a date? We said they are chill right Y/n?" Wyatt calls out from the other side of your door.

"Ha. Ha. I am just putting on my bathing suit in case, " You sigh at him when you open your door.

"Aww that's a cute dress, " Wyatt smiles, "I hope you know I am messing with you."

"Thanks, it's a cover-up. And I do know."

Wyatt nods in understanding, "I am gonna go warm up the hot tub, thanks for reminding me!"

You walk past him as he leaves out the back door. When you enter the living room with River and Ryan, they both do a double take. Immediately self-conscious you smooth down your dress absentmindedly. 

Twin Paranormal: Haunted Hearts (River x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now