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Thank you guys so much for reading this book!

Unfortunately the book had to come to a close as Chat and Ladybug got their happy ending. There isn't much of a storyline to give them. They've gone through a lot and have grown together.

This is a completely original book and although it took a while to write it, it was so worth it.

There was a lot of thought, time and effort put into this story. There is also opportunity for some deeper character analysis between Static and Electra-girl.

If any of you are interested in a spin-off version from the perspective of Static or Electra-girl then please let me know. I would be happy to look deeper into their characters to make them make more sense within the book.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this book. It isn't filled with smut and I've kept it quite light on the more heated scenes as this book isn't targeted to older audiences. However I hope you enjoyed it regardless.

If you have any other suggestions for future books I should write or for any spin-off let's for this book then please let me know.

- Miss miah

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