22 | Manipulation

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Chapter 22 - Manipulation

Marinette's POV

I went to the bathroom and thought about how I was going to convince Mr Damocles to let me go home. I had a plan A but I needed a backup just in case.

Once I left the girls bathroom, I made my way to Mr Damocles office once again. I began my fake crying with real tears.

I'm so glad I can make myself cry. It's very useful for manipulation.

Take notes. But don't tell anyone I told you.

I took off my sunglasses and knocked on the door. This time I actually waited for a response before walking in.

Once I heard a faint come in, I opened the door an let my drama skills take over.

"Yes?" Mr Damocles asked after hearing the door open, he was writing some sort of document so he didn't acknowledge who had entered the room.

I sniffled causing him to look up from the screen and see who had entered. "My goodness! Are you alright Marinette? Come sit." His eyes widened taking in my state.

I knew I didn't look good at all and I thanked myself mentally for not bothering to put Ice over my eyes to reduce the swelling.

I sniffled again and sat down on the chairs. "I feel sick." I replied in a shaky voice. "I have a really bad headache and my stomach is churning."

My stomach is actually fine but I needed another excuse.

"Hmm yess, you don't look too good either." He looked at me in concern. "I suggest you take the rest of the day off to go and rest and we'll see how you are doing tomorrow. Alright?" 

I wiped my tears before nodding. "I'll sign you off, go home and get some rest." He smiled softly.

"Thank you sir." I sniffled. I took my bag and walked out of the office. I continued my fake crying until I made it outside of the school.

That was easier than I thought it would be.

I guess generally being a good student also comes in handy.

Good to know.

Adrien's POV

I knew this lesson was not going to go well for Marinette.

From the second she stepped into the room Ms Mendeleiev was already having a go at her and it only progressed throughout the lesson.

I felt kinda bad for Marinette. It was not like she was intentionally trying to get teachers to have a go at her. She was just minding her own business but they still decided to pick on her.

From the moment Marinette walked into both classes, you could tell that she wasn't her usual energetic self.

Normally that should be a sign that you don't want to be bothered. But I really think that big Miss Bustier and Ms Mendeleiev ignored that sign.

So really it's the teachers fault more than Marinettes fault. I'm not saying that everything Marinette did was the right thing to do but she's not the one who started it all.

The teachers did, they were the ones that got the reaction out of Marinette.

I also didn't like how Ms Mendeleiev called Marinette a fool either. Yesterday proved that Marinette is a good thinker and a problem solver.

It angered me to hear her calling Marinette a fool.

I was surprised that Marinette didn't go off on her but simply let it slide.

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