32 | Kitchen disaters

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Chapter 32 - Kitchen disasters

Chat Noir's POV

Once all the vegetables were done, they were added to the pressure cooker with the beef.

Marinette took the time to talk to me and teach me some basic cooking skills.

Thanks to her a have more experience in the kitchen.

It took about 2 hours to make the whole dish. Mainly because of me and my slow pace but the end result was good.

It was definitely the best beef casserole dish I had ever eaten in my life.

Now I was helping Mari dry the dishes so they could be packed away.

"What should we make for dessert kitty?" Marinette asked as she scrubbed the dishes with a sponge.

"Hmmm I'm not sure, something simple."

"Cupcakes?" She suggested.

"Are they hard to make?" I asked. I didn't want to end up ruining the meal again, that would be embarrassing.

"They are very simple actually." She shrugged as she finished off washing the last of the plates and began packing the dry ones away

"Okay we can make them then."

"We could watch a movie when they finish baking." She suggested again.

"Fine by me." I shrugged as I handed her plates for her to put away.

"Okay when should we start making the cupcakes? Do you want to make them now?"

"It's up to you cupcake." I winked.

"Okay no. Let's stop you right there. Never call me that ever again." She rolled her eyes before cracking a laugh.

"Whatever you say cupcake." I chuckled knowing it would annoy her.

"Chat..." She looked at me sternly.

"Yes cupcake."

She looked at me plainly, "if you don't stop I'll pour a jug of water on that precious hair of yours." She smirked.

I gasped and quickly moved away from her, covering my head with my hands. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, but I would." She smiled innocently.

"Monster." I whispered loudly.

"A cute one." She giggled, I smiled at her response.

"You aren't wrong." I shrugged as I watched her get all of the ingredients out.

She had to go in her tippy toes to reach the Flour, it was absolutely adorable.

Although she almost dropped it.

And I was getting ready to burst into laughter but a stern look from her made me stay quiet.

Marinette's POV

I took out a mixing bowl, wooden spoon, measuring cups, a sieve and a scale and placed them next to the Ingredients.

"Alrighty Chat, let's start off with the flour." I took the flour, sieve and measuring cups and placed them next to the bowl.

"We are gonna sieve the flour into the bowl so that it's smooth. So can you take out 2 cups of flour please chat." I smiled.


He grabbed the measuring cup which had 1 cup written on the side. He used the measuring cup to scoop out the flour.

"Just dump the flour onto the sieve." I instructed him. He followed my instruction and dumped the flour on the sieve and I began sieving the flour.

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