31 | Cooking disaster

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Chapter 31 - Cooking disaster

Marinette's POV

I went up to the balcony and looked down at the city of Paris.

I loved how the city went straight back to normal after an akumatisation happened. But at the same time it's sad to see that the city had to adapt and get used to being attacked.

"What you thinking about little lady?" Chat Noir wrapped his arm around my waist as he looked down at the city as well.

I shrugged, a small smile tugging at my lips "Just how pretty the city is." I smiled as I turned to look at Chat.

He turned to look at me, a smirk forming on his lips "it's only purretty because you're here." He winked causing me to burst into laughter.

"Oh Chat, you are doing a horrible job with your childish charm." I raised a brow with a smile on my face.

"Just you watch, one time I'll say something and you'll be blushing so hard till you become as red as a strawberry." He chuckled making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Now come on, let's go. I want to at least do something fun today." I rolled my eyes playfully.

I wrapped my arm around Chat's neck as he tightened his grasp on me. He took out his staff and extended it before jumping off the rooftop and heading over to the shops.

When we arrived at the shop, he gently put me down and we made our way into the shops. "So what are we making today?" Chat asked as he watched me get a basket.

"Can you eat beef?" I asked. I needed to make sure he wasn't allergic to anything or else that won't be a good story.


"Any food allergies?" I asked.

"Not that I can think of." He shrugged as he thought to himself.

"Well then I'm thinking beef casserole with rice on the side." I suggested with a small smile. I started walking down the aisles looking for the ingredients we needed.

"Sounds good to me." He shrugged as he jogged over to me. He walked besides me, often getting distracted by different foods and snacks. His eyes lighting up in astonishment and amusement.

He looked like a kid in a candy store.

"Are you okay Chat?" I asked when I saw him staring at a box of chocolate for 3 minutes straight.

He was either in a trance or lost in thought as he didn't hear a word I was saying to him. "Chat?" I waved my hand in front of his face and finally got his attention.

I raised a brow as I looked at him in amusement, "Are you alright?"

He nodded.

"We can get them if you want." I shrugged as I continued shopping.

"Wait really?" His head turned in my direction, a look of shock plastered on his face.

I smiled at the silly cat and grabbed the chocolates and placed them in the basket before innocently walking away.

After 10 minutes I finally got everything we needed and it was time to pay for the food. I had already scanned everything so I just needed to make the payment.

I reached into my purse to grab the money but I looked up as saw Chat had already beat me to it.

"I was gonna pay you know." I frowned at the cat. He looked at me sheepishly and shrugged playfully with a mischievous smile on his face.

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