47 | Triumphant or not

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Chapter 47 - Triumphant or not

Ladybug's POV

We lost Electra-static but I knew it was not a good thing. Before we knew it it began hailing electrical balls which sent explosions.

We still had the stupid clones flying after us. We tried so many times to get rid of them but they kept coming.

We eventually had to hide ourselves in a small room. We blocked the door and make sure there was no windows to break through.

"What are we going to do now? Carapace asked.

"I have no clue but all I know is that if we use our powers, we will soon run out of time and will detransform leaving us helpless against Electra-static." I sighed.

There's no safe place to even call out my lucky charm because if I didn't it outside, the clones could easily take it away and I could run out of time.

The clones were trying to knock their way inside.

"Well we need a plan because we cannot wait any longer." Chat said as he kept turning to look at the door.

Just then. A laser beam cut through the side of the room and the clones started entering.
The door was still blocked so we didn't have an escape.

"SHELTER." Carapace shouted and suddenly a green shield appeared.

"Carapace you do realise once the shelter is weakened you will be left vulnerable." I looked at him worriedly.

"Yes. You and Chat Noir are the only people who can save us. I believe you can do it." Carapace smiled.

A small smile grew on my face.

We moved over to the door and began moving the objects while being protected by carapaces shelter. The clones were aggressive shooting the shelter so I knew it was going to break soon enough.

We managed to escape the building but carapace's shelter reached the breaking point. We began running away. I was struggling because of the pain in my leg but I did my best regardless.

I turned back to see where the clones where surrounding Carapace. They were all shooting him.

"Carapace no!" Chat noir shouted to him.

"It's okay guys, go and win this fight." He smiled weakly before putting his head down.

"No, not another one." I said in a faint voice. I felt myself becoming dizzier and weaker by the moment. I felt sick. My closest friends were gone. All because I couldn't fight this villain.

"Ladybug are you okay?" Chat asked me.

"I feel rather faint right now." I sighed. Chat Noir quickly looked behind us and saw the clones were coming for us. He quickly put his arm around my waist and extended his baton. He carried me in bridal position as he ran across the rooftop.

The clones kept following us so he kept on going. He used his baton to jump from building to building as he avoided the numerous clones and the electrical balls from the hail.

"Watch your step." A voice laughed. Just then, the baton slipped making chat noir and I fall to the ground. The voice laughed again and the hail stopped.

The clones gathered around us but stopped firing at us.

"You seriously think you can still win?" Electra-static smirked at us. I slowly sat up wincing in pain. "You have none of your little team left it's just the two of you. And even so, you're weaker than ever,"

"We are not weak." Chat Noir fired back at her with a scowl on his face.

"Are you sure about that cat? Look at your partner struggling to even stay on her feet. Do you two really believe you can save this city?" She had a smile on her face as she questioned us.

"Yes." I answered.

"How adorable, you are both so hopeful." She laughed. She took out Rena and Carapaces miraculous. "I already have two and soon yours will be added to the collection." She laughed evilly.

"No they won't." Chat scoffed.

"You want to bet on that." She smiled back. Electra-static got her staff out and quickly shot a beam out at me. I had little time to try and move out of the way so it struck me in the stomach. I immediately felt my body weaken even further.

"LADYBUG!" Chat Noir shouted, anger overtook his features and he immediately lunged straight for Electra-static.

"It's time to end this once and for all. CATACLYSM." He used his cataclysm to destroy her board. Electra-static fell to the ground but no akuma came out.

"Ha! Did you really think the akuma is in the board? Please how stupid of you." She laughed.

"But how-?" Chat Noir asked. Just then Electra-static's army surrounded Chat Noir, pushing him to the ground and held him down tightly.

Electra-static made her way to me and looked at me with an evil glint in her eyes. All of a sudden Hawkmoth appeared on the scene.

Hawkmoths POV

I've been waiting for this day my whole life.

The day when I would finally get the miraculous.

The moment I saw Ladybug and Chat Noir helpless on the ground I knew the day had come. "I have a gift for you Hawkmoth, its not exactly what you wanted but its something." Electra-static smiled at me.

She pulled out the fox and turtle miraculous and a big smile formed on my face. "It's perfect. You've really outdone yourself today Electra-Static" I smiled as she placed the miraculous in my hand.

"You've honoured your word for me so now I'm honouring you."

I turned my attention to Ladybug on the floor in front of me. I knelt down beside her with one knee on the ground. "Who would've thought it would end like this? That I would finally get the miraculous." I laughed.

"You've made this so hard for yourself but now I will go with the ultimate victory." I grabbed one of Ladybugs miraculous and took it off. She was beginning to de-transform back. I then grabbed onto the other one-


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