57 | Happy ending or not?

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Chapter 57 - Happy ending or not?

Marinette's POV

I was ecstatic.

I was over the moon.

He was mine. Chat Noir fell for me.

A smile formed on my face every time I thought about it. The entire car ride back, I was thinking about the fact we made it official.

It was about damn time.

However I was happy that it actually happened. I was afraid I wouldn't be good enough for him. yeah ladybug is good and all but me as Marinette? I wasn't so sure.

We got back to my house and I went straight to my room. My parents weren't in the living room or kitchen so I suspected they were either in their room or cleaning the bakery.

I left Chat to chill in my room and detransform for a bit while I left to go and shower. Once I had cleaned myself up, I changed into my pyjamas and got myself ready for bed.

Tikki came into the room with a smile on her face.

"How are you feeling Marinette?" She smiled.

"Honestly I'm so happy. I was so scared that he didn't feel the same way." I answered honestly as I tied my hair up into a bun.

My smile faltered as I remembered. "What if Hawkmoth finds out?"

"You're gonna have to be really careful to make sure he doesn't find out." Tikki smiled. "Just don't display any affection in public and try to not be seen together too much in public too. The media could start speculating."

"You're right. If they see me and Chat around too much then they will know and Hawkmoth could find us. I can't let that happen." I placed my hand on my chin as I went deep into thought.

"Make sure you talk to Chat Noir about this as well. He needs to be aware of it all too." Tikki suggested with a bright smile on her face.

"You're so right!" I finished up in the bathroom and made my way back to my room. I knocked on the door to let Chat Noir know that I was coming in so he could transform.

After a minute, I walked back into my room. I looked at Chat who was sitting at my desk with some cookies and milk in front of him.

A smile formed on my face.

"What? How could I say no to cookies?" He held his hands up defensively.

I laughed at him before getting my laptop out and loading a movie.

"You know you are free to get cookies or whatever pastries at anytime right?" I raised a brow at him teasingly.

"Good. I hope you and your parents know I Will devour those sweet treats." Chat beamed.

"I know kitty cat. I know." I burst into laughter.

I moved my laptop to the end of my desk and took the food down to my chaise. Chat and I sat and watched the movie with our snacks.

After finishing the sweet treats, my eyes began to get heavy. I tried to keep myself up so I could finish watching the movie however I was too tired.

Before I knew it, my eyes slowly closed and I drifted off the sleep.

Chat Noir's POV:

As we were watching the movie, I felt Marinette snuggle closer to me. I looked down at her and gave her a soft smile and turned my attention back to the movie.

After a while, I began to hear Marinettes slowed breathing. I turned again and saw that she had fallen asleep.

I turned off the movie and carefully lifted the little princess into my arms. Then I carefully climbed up to her bed and placed her down. I went over to the other side and tucked her into the blankets. I then got inside the covers, next to her.

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