33 | Movie Night

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Chapter 33 - Movie night

Chat Noir's POV

Our lips connected.

My lips were on hers.

How it happened? I don't know.

We fell into a comfortable silence just staring into each other's eyes.

Despite her being covered in flour and eggs and butter, she looked absolutely adorable. I wanted to kiss those lips of hers.

In fact something inside me was pushing me to kiss those lips of hers. So instead of ignoring it, I did it.

I found us both leaning in and before I knew it our lips connected.

The kiss was slow but passionate, as if we had both been waiting for this moved. Our lips moved in sync as we carefully pressed our lips together. My heart was pounding in my chest. My body finally satisfied.

As the kiss intensified, Marinette wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

But then the door opened causing us to break away from the kiss.

"What's going on in here." Marinette's dad looked shocked as he took in the state of the kitchen and us.

"Uhhh we were baking cupcakes then we were tidying up then I kinda fell and the flour went everywhere then we had a little food fight and then you walked in." Marientte Rambled. Very cutely should I add.

Thank goodness she left out the kiss because I'm not sure her dad would like to hear that story.

Marinette's Dad stood in silence before bursting out laughing. "Look at you two, you look absolutely hilarious. I need to take a picture of this." He quickly
got his phone and took a picture of the two of us.

Marinette and I looked at each other in confusion then turned back to look at her dad, "You two better clean up before you're mother comes up here, don't want her to have a heart attack do you?"

"Nope." Marinette giggled.

"Better get to work then, I'll try keep her away so you two can quickly clean." He winked.

"Alright papa." Marinette smiled. He went back down to the bakery leaving us alone.

"So where were we." I winked.

"Not happening Chat." She rolled her eyes playfully. "Better get cleaning before you become a stray kitty." She giggled.

"Very funny." I frowned. She giggled then kissed my cheek. Causing a big smile to form on my face.

"That's all you're getting. If you hurry up and clean then I may reconsider." She winked.

"Say nothing." That's all it took for me to put my head in the game and I immediately got to work cleaning making sure to clean every surface.

I helped Marinette wash the dishes then helped her clean the floor until it was completely spotless.

By the time we finished cleaning, the cupcakes were finished so we took them out of the oven to allow them to cool.

"I've never seen you this determined to do anything." Marinette laughed.

"I helped you clean so now you owe me." I smirked.

"At least have a shower first, I don't think my mum would be happy seeing you in this state." She giggled. She's right, I wouldn't want Marinette's Mum to freak out and think I'm making a mess in the house.

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