11 | Hello Villains

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Chapter 11 - Hello Villains

Adrien's POV:

I watched as Marinette took full control over the situation. Determination and confidence written on her face.

The way she was able to come up with a plan to safely evacuate the building was impressive. She was able to keep her cool despite the nerve wracking predicament we were currently in.

Her leadership qualities were truly outstanding. I understand why she was chosen as the head girl.

Once Marinette gave us clear instructions to go to safety, I took my opportunity to run from everyone and find a good space to transform.

"Alright Plagg, you know what we have to do." I nodded at my kwami who flew out of my bag ready for me to say the transformation words. "Plagg claws out."

I transformed into Chat Noir and jumped onto the closest roof to look for Ladybug and observe my surroundings and the damage caused.

As I was observing I found out, the electricity Electra-girl shoots out mainly affects living things. It weakens people but the other effects it has are unknown and need to be identified.

As I was watching Electra-girl zap multiple citizens, Ladybug arrived on the scene.

"Nice of you to join me LB. I've been assessing Electra-girl whilst waiting for your arrival and found she mainly zaps living things." I informed Ladybug. I still needed to have a conversation with her about yesterday but for now this mission was top priority as this villain is causing harm to many individuals.

"Okay thanks for the heads up, let's go take a closer look. Ladybug nodded as she used her yo-yo to fly from building to building, I used my staff to take me across the city to Electra-girls location.

Ladybug's POV

Electra-girl was causing damage to multiple people. She struck people driving cars meaning they all lost control of their cars and began colliding with each other.

She was also zapping people peacefully walking down the streets. I don't know what the citizens did the her but she had no mercy.

It was absolutely chaotic.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Electricity girl. You know, you could be using that extra electricity as a renewable resource to power houses rather than electrocute people." Chat Noir smiled smugly.

"The name's Electra-girl, black cat. And I'd rather use my power to get rid of big mouths like you." Electra-girl frowned. She began firing electrical beams towards us.

I dodged the beams and tried to get closer to take in more of the akumatised victim. She had something against people but we needed to find out exactly why she was electrocuting people.

Electra-girl kept firing beams at Chat Noir and grew visibly annoyed once she saw she kept missing him. "Stay still you stupid black cat." She screamed in anger.

Chat Noir noticed me creeping up on her and continued distracting her. "I wouldn't say I'm stupid. A better word to describe me is intelligent. Well sometimes at least." He chuckled.

Electra-girl huffed in irritation but suddenly stopped. "You seriously thought I couldn't see you there Ladybug, hm?" She laughed. She pulled out another stick and began firing at me as well.

I immediately jumped backwards, using my yo-yo as a way to escape but she fired one of her beams in front on the area I was going to land causing me to have a rough landing and falling straight onto the floor. "Now I've got you." She shot multiple beams at me as I tried shuffling away.

Time began slowing as I watched a beam flying directly towards my heart. Just as I was about to prepare for impact, Chat Noir quickly caught me in one arm and used the other to extent his staff and fly away.

"Aww lover boy has come to save you. Now the two of you get out of my way." Electra-girl snickered as she flew away firing beams at more citizens.

"Thank you Chat Noir."

"No problem My lady. At least we know she can see behind her back." Chat Noir shrugged once placing me down gently on the ground.

"I think Hawkmoth may have told her that I was behind her. Don't you think she would've reacted sooner if she did have vision behind her head?" I questioned. She seemed to handle things one at a time.

"You might be right." Chat Noir agreed, looking deep in thought.

"She also must be doing something big if she was willing to let us go that easily. We need to go see what else she is up to and discover why she has been akumatised."

"Okay let's go." Chat Noir nodded. I took my yo-yo out and began flying through the streets of Paris looking for where Electra-girl flew off to.

Electra-girl's POV

Ladybug and Chat Noir really think they have a chance against me.

They're the weakest superhero team I've ever seen.

Unfortunately for them they don't know how powerful I really am. They don't even know where the Akuma is located.

There is no chance they will find it either.

I will be the most powerful Villain to ever exist.
These humans ruined me. They bullied me, mocked me, brought me down to my weakest point and not 1 person cared. They watched me all suffer. They saw me struggling and what did they do? They laughed.

Now I can laugh in their faces. Watching them fall to their weak points. Not only will I completely weaken humanity. I'll control them. I'll make them go through the same suffering I did then we will see who is laughing.

If those two teenagers think they will be able to defeat me then they are wrong.

I'm full of surprises should I say.

Hawkmoth's POV

This has to be one of my best villains yet. With her power to electrocute individuals, the beams immediately weaken the human body and cause her to gain control of everyone she hits.

Not only does it do damage to humans. But to Miraculous holders and miraculous' as well.

Since she is only in her early stages of being a villain the beams aren't powerful enough to overcome the barrier of Ladybug's and Chat Noirs suits. If she does hit them, it will do minimal damage. But once Electra-girl activates her electrical army, her power will fully be enabled. Not only will she overcome the power of the suits, she will be able to defeat the holders behind the mask, ultimately weakening them to the point where they have to surrender their miraculous to me.

If Electra-girl does everything I command, victory will soon be in my hands.


Hey guys! Electra-girl is definitely a powerful villain and in the next couple chapters, you will see exactly how powerful she really is. Keep reading for more! Hope you guys enjoyed todays chapter. Have a good day I'll see you in the next one

- Miss Miah

Words count - 1177 words

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