On The Defense

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"PJ! Why would you be going to the cops? And what the hell are you talking about with 'murder-suicide'?" Brandon called racing after him.

"If you think I'm just going to let this go and not get his ass thrown in jail then you're out of your god damn mind. I've waited too long already" PJ said not bothering to look back.

"PJ! Why would he be going to jail?" Brandon asked spinning his shoulder so he had no choice but to face him. PJ looked at him disgusted still assuming he thought Chris did nothing wrong until he saw the look of honest confusion in his eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me? So you went over there and turned her into a god damn wreck when you didn't even know what happened?!" he roared unable to control himself.

"Chris said she went over there Sunday and... he said she was flirting with him. I mean Lily was apologizing when I went to see her, it made sense. He told me she tried to hook up with him..." Brandon explained as if trying to convince himself.

"And you believed that?! You piece of shit! She's not like that, Brandon! You know she's not! Chris raped her. Okay? He raped her. The only reason she didn't say anything is because he has her scared out of her mind. He basically threatened to paint the walls with your blood if she talked."

"That doesn't make any sense" Brandon said in a shaky voice. "If she wasn't saying anything, how do you know?" He didn't want to believe it. He was trying to find any way he could to hold onto the possibility of this entire week being a lie.

"I found her afterward. She was sitting there crying her eyes out with her face bashed in... Even the brainless scarecrow from the god damn 'Wizard of Oz' could've put the pieces together."

"This can't be true" Brandon whispered.

"Don't believe me?" PJ charged back to his apartment grabbing the bag of Lily's clothes from his closet. "Here's your proof" he said throwing them at Brandon.

He picked the ripped shirt out of the bag and knew it had to be real- he had loaned it to her the last time she crashed at their place. He dropped the bag like it was on fire and fell against the wall losing all feeling in his legs. He looked up at PJ in a panic.

"He's at her house."


"He offered to go and get my stuff so I wouldn't have to see her again. He has her alone" he said breathless.

"Not for long" PJ said as the boy's sprinted for the car.

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