Innocent Beginnings

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"Just so you know, if you were to end up dying before me you are 100% expected to do this - no exceptions" Lily announced looking up at Brandon as 'P.S. I Love You' finished playing on screen.

"Yeah, right. You think there's any way I'm leaving you behind? No, no. We're going together once we're all old and wrinkly- Notebook style."

"Ah, been thinking about spending your life with me, have you?"

"Nah, just about your death" he teased.

"Well, aren't you romantic?" she giggled flicking his ear. "But just in case, you've been warned."

"I'll see what I can do, except I might have to put 'P.S. I miss your lips'" he said as he lifted her chin for a kiss. Lily's stomach somersaulted as she kissed him back through the smile that spread across her face. How could she have gotten so lucky as to find someone like Brandon? It seemed like all the relationships she'd seen her friends go through were filled with mind games, trust issues, and impossible to meet expectations. But Brandon... With Brandon it was like being with her best friend. It felt like the most natural thing in the world.

She pulled free from the kiss ending with a quick peck on his nose before snatching a licorice whip from the bag beside him.

"Hey, no fair! We had a deal at the beginning of the night: you get the chocolate raisins and I get the Twizzlers."

"Oopsie, guess I forgot" she said taking a bite off the end.

"Lil come on, we have rules! If you start breaking them now you know what we get?"

"What?" she questioned humouring him as she went to grab for the whole package.

"Anarchy!" he declared lifting the bag over his head where she couldn't reach. "Madness, chaos, people running naked through the streets."

"Naked, huh?"

"We're talking wieners flopping around in every possible direction." 

"Hmm... guess I'll just have to risk it" she said reaching up to snatch the bag before jumping off the couch and running from the room.

"Oh, you're so dead!" he said running after her.

"I better start working on your P.S. I Love You letters now then, huh?" she teased laughing.

He chased her 'round the house until they were back in the living room where they started out, grabbing her by the waist and flinging her onto the couch.

"Last chance, Elisabeth Moor."

"Oh, full naming it are we?"

"That's the level of seriousness this situation calls for. Now, Elisabeth Moor, this is your final warning. Surrender the licorice or face the consequences."

"Bring it on, Peterman."

"You asked for it" he taunted tickling her ribs, the one weak spot on her entire body, as she broke into hysterics.

"Okay! Okay! I give!" she screeched with tears running down her cheeks. Brandon released her letting out an exaggerated villain laugh as he seized the Twizzlers away from her. But there was no way Lily would be letting him off that easy. She pulled him closer, fooling him into thinking she was going for another kiss and instead rolled him off the couch pinning him against the floor.

"Wow" Brandon said impressed.

"Full of surprises, huh?"

This time she leaned in ready to give him the kiss he'd been waiting for. He grabbed the small of her back pulling her closer to him, kissing back intensely. Brandon wished they could get lost in the moment and stay like this forever. He had no doubt in his mind Lily was the girl he wanted to marry. He felt so fortunate; how many people found their soulmate at 17?

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