Ill Intentions

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Chris sat staring at the TV trying to focus on some 90's show marathon playing on screen. But he couldn't block out the distraction. He couldn't stop himself from reliving that morning over and over again. They way Lily's lips had felt on his, how soft her skin was... He could feel his blood pumping just thinking about it.

"Hey, bud" Brandon nodded walking in. He'd been at work for 8 hours straight and wanted nothing more than to curl up and fall asleep with his girl in his arms. He reached into the fridge grabbing a cold bottle of water. "I'm going to go hang at Lily's for a bit. Want to come, get in some quality time with April?" he winked.

Chris laughed. "I told you, that didn't go well. No chemistry."

"Aw, bull. It isn't chemistry you're lacking, it's the ability to carry out a conversation for more than 2 minutes without boring someone to tears."

"Dick" he called throwing a pillow in Brandon's direction.

Brandon chuckled, "Common! Come over and try it again. You just need the right type of setting. Low lighting, a quiet couch, romantic movies- she won't be able to resist."

"Yeah, maybe... Alright, I'm in."

April was the last person on his mind tonight. Low lighting? Crowded couch? This was the perfect chance to have some fun with Lily.

"Shit. Lil, I got to run. They need me at work" PJ said reading through his texts.

Lily's heart started racing at the thought of being alone in the dark, empty house. "Ok..."

PJ heard her nervous tone and blackened his phone moving closer to her.

"Do you want to come with me?" he asked worried.

"No" she said shaking her head. "Your boss is an asshole. I don't want you to risk getting fired."

"Lily, you don't have to be brave" he said looking into her eyes. "It's alright if you need me."

"I know, but... I think I might need to be alone for a bit. I haven't really had time to process since, it happened..." she trailed off quietly. The last thing she wanted was to be by herself but she couldn't take the look of pity on his face any longer. She hated being felt sorry for.

An hour later she sat curled up with a pillow on the couch not moving, barely breathing. The events of that morning kept playing over and over in her head like they were permanently implanting themselves in her brain. She couldn't get Chris' face out of her head. Every time she blinked there he was looking threatening and terrifying, or staring at her lovingly, or moaning over top of her. Lily took both her hands and pressed hard against her skull like she was trying to crush the images from her memory. If she couldn't take it back she at least wanted to forget it. A ring of the doorbell made her heart stop. She sat completely still hoping that maybe if she didn't move they would go away. It rang again, this time followed by a knock. She very slowly got up and made her way towards the door clutching her father's old army knife in her pocket. She'd had it close to her ever since PJ left. She unlocked the bolt and carefully opened the door. Brandon stood there with a goofy smile on his face grabbing her in a hug when he saw her.

"There's my girl!" he smiled picking her up off the ground.

She took a sharp inhale when she saw Chris standing feet away from her never breaking eye contact. He stared at her with a menacing smirk, a hint of excitement in his eyes. When Brandon set her down she took a step back, away from him, and ended up falling to the ground. The shock and fear still showed on her face. Brandon simply assumed it was from the fall as he rushed to help her up but Chris knew better. He felt a thrill knowing what he could do to her.

"Woah, there. You alright?" Brandon asked lifting her to her feet.

"Yeah Lil, you look a little pale." Chris shot her a warning look as Brandon examined her face.

Her heart pounded. Thankfully, having nothing to do to fill her time when PJ left she played with the concealer option to help with the marks like he suggested but it scared her to have Brandon's eyes so close. "I'm fine" she said curtly moving him back a bit, avoiding Chris' gaze. "Sorry. You just surprised me."

"Wow, what happened here?" he questioned concerned taking her bandaged hand in his.

"It's nothing. I was stupid and slammed the car door on it when I wasn't paying attention."

"Oh no, babe. You're not doing so good today, are you?"

"You need to be more careful there, Moor" Chris chimed in again. She gave a small nod staring down at her feet so she didn't have to see his face. She just hoped Brandon couldn't feel her shaking.

Her breath stopped in her chest as Brandon wrapped his arms around her waist. Touching was hard, especially with Chris watching her. She didn't want anyone on her. All she could feel were his hands. She wanted to shove him off right there and then but she had to play pretend. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We thought we would come over, watch a couple movies, and maybe give this one another shot with April" Brandon explained jerking his head in Chris' direction. Lily's stomach dropped knowing that was probably the last thing he had in mind with coming over.

"Uh, well April's not actually home tonight..."

"So, you're here by yourself?" Chris asked.

"Eric's getting back any minute" she added a little too quickly and loudly.

"Well, we're all here now. May as well hangout together right?" Brandon smiled walking towards the TV room completely oblivious. Lily followed behind him with Chris trailing alongside her. When Brandon's head was turned Chris paused running his hand over Lily's lower back until Brandon turned back. She stopped as she felt yet another panic attack building in her chest. How would she get through this?

Chris walked into the room behind Brandon, stopping to look back at her and smile.

"Common, Lily."

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