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"You don't have to do this" PJ told Lily as they were getting ready for school the next morning.

"There's still 9 months of classes left. It's not like I can stop going" she mumbled stuffing her notebooks into her backpack.

"I just think-"

"Look, we can't talk about this here" she said glancing over at April's opened door across the hall.

"Honestly Lily, are we going to be able to talk about it anywhere?"

"Why do we have to talk about it at all?" she demanded angrily zipping her bag closed.

"Because you were attacked and he's still out there" he whisper yelled in frustration.

"PJ, stop" she whispered back closing her door.

"I just don't understand why we can't tell the police. We have enough evidence- I promise they'll get him."

"What evidence do we have?" she snapped. "We have a torn shirt and the other clothes and with Brandon backing his story now all it'll mean to anyone is that we had sex, rough sex just like he said." Her breathing was near hyperventilation just thinking about it. "He said he'd come back for me, but if I talk what's going to stop him from going after you, or April, or Eric instead? I don't know what he's capable of. What's going to stop him from going after me again when they let him go free?" she demanded with frightened tears brimming over her bottom lashes.

"I will. I'll stop him."

"You weren't there, PJ. You don't know what he's like" she said turning away as her voice broke. PJ frowned as he saw her shoulders begin to shake realizing he pushed too far.

"I'm sorry. I'll drop it. Let's just go to school and we can figure the rest out later."

It happened during second period. She hadn't really been thinking when she entered the classroom but as Lily saw him sitting there in the back row she was reminded that the only friend she had in her Child Development class was Brandon. He saw her the same time she saw him. Brandon just scoffed shaking his head as if he was disgusted by the very sight of her. She couldn't help it as a quiet sob escaped her lips and she ran from class into the nearest girl's room. She ended up hiding there for the rest of the day and nearly an hour after the final bell rang. Her phone had been beeping for hours but at this point she was too scared to check any of the messages. She walked down the empty hallway her locker was in already dialing April's number to pick her up when she heard footsteps coming towards her.

"Skipping class? Aren't we a bad girl" Chris said taking her hand as he snuck up behind her. She quickly pulled away from him stumbling back a few feet.

"What are you doing here?" she asked feeling all the blood drain from her face.

"Just picking up our friend Brandon from swim practice. Though I guess after what happened last night I should just say, my friend Brandon."

"Stay away from me" she commanded staring him down.

"And if I don't?" he asked taking a step closer.

"I'll scream."

"No, you don't want to do that" he said opening the switchblade he took from his pocket.

"What are you doing?!" she demanded horrified.

They were matching each other step for step, him coming closer and her moving back, until finally she was pressed up against a bank of lockers with nowhere to go.

"I'll scream. I swear to God I'll scream" she said in a weak voice.

"No, you won't. You would've already done it."

She swallowed trying to gather her strength. She had to get herself out of this. "Brandon's walking down that hall any minute. You might've been able to spin some stupid little story last night but just try and explain yourself here."

"I won't need to. You see we're going to dry those pretty, brown eyes of yours-" he said wiping the tears away with his thumbs. She whipped her head away from him so quickly she ended up slamming it against the metal behind her. "-and you're going to pretend that everything's fine, just fine. Because if he does end up walking this way and see's anything but that, well I already told you what happens when I get angry. I'd hate to see what I might do with this in my hands."

"What? You're going to cut me?" Be strong. Don't show him that you're scared. 

"No, no, not you baby. I was thinking more along the lines of him. You know?" He made a a cut throat motion across his neck.

She stared back at him in wide eyed disbelief too stunned for words, cowering against the locker bank. There was no escaping showing her fear now.

"It's the perfect solution really. He'd never see it coming and I'd finally have you all to myself" he said lightly dragging the smooth side of the blade across her arm. She jumped at the feeling of the cold metal on her skin. This couldn't really be happening. He couldn't really be talking about this.

It's not real. It's not real. You're not here. 

"For now I'm having too much fun with our little game of cat and mouse to give it up. But just say the words and that could all change. Go ahead Lil, just try and tell someone."

"What do you want from me?" she demanded as the tears spilled down her cheeks. God, he was so close.

"I think we both know the answer to that" he smiled running his fingers up her leg.

"Don't touch me!" she yelled pushing him off. He caught her wrist glaring at her angrily.

"Do you not get it?! I own you! And I'm not going away anytime soon, Lil. I don't care what it takes to convince you. You're mine, baby. All mine."

"Just please leave me alone" she sobbed desperately.

"LILY! Oh, my God I've been looking for you everywhere! You completely disappeared today- I've been so worried!" April yelled down the hall as she began walking towards them.

The second he heard her voice Chris released his hold on Lily, pocketing the knife and taking a step back to look as if they'd just been having a normal conversation.

"I mean you could have at least texted me. Hi Chris" she said shooting him a quick, awkward glance. "Where have you been?"

"It's my fault. I was just making sure she's ok after everything that happened with Brandon" Chris jumped in.

"What happened with Brandon? Is this about last night?" April questioned confused.

"She didn't tell you?" Chris asked looking at her curiously.

"We broke up" Lily mumbled keeping her eyes on the floor. It was taking all she had to try and ground herself enough to act normal. Everything was dizzy.

"Really? Oh Lily-pad, I'm so sorry" she said sadly.

"I'll let you guys talk. See you later, Lily."

She looked up watching as he walked away even staring out the window once he exited the building to make sure he was really gone.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. I... Would you mind just waiting for me in the car? There's still a couple more things I need to do."

"Of course, take as long as you need. On the way home we'll grab some thai food, pick up a couple of badass girl power movies, and then we'll have the perfect best friend night to get you back to normal. Okay?"

"Sounds great" she said faking a smile for her friend.

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