Love and Pain (TW)

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"What are you doing?" she demanded trying to free her wrist. "Chris, this hurts. Let go!" He grabbed the other wrist shoving her against the couch as he planted another kiss against her lips. She let out a muffled scream.

"Shh" he warned with heavy breath. She could feel the terror grow stronger as his hand crept it's way up her thigh. This couldn't be happening. She couldn't let this happen. In a moment of panic she bit down hard on his lip. He lurched back cursing under his breath as he instinctively grabbed the skin checking for blood. Lily took the chance to squirm out from underneath him falling to the floor and crawling for the door. She reached for the handle but he was already up, one step ahead of her. Just as her fingers went to grasp the brass knob he stomped down on her hand. She screamed out.

"Stop! Just leave me alone!" she shrieked.

"You don't understand, Lil" he cooed stroking her hair. "I just need us to be together one time. Just one time and then you'll see and everything will be okay. It'll be perfect."

He smiled pulling her to her feet by the roots of her hair.

"No! PJ!" she screeched hoping she was close enough to the door that he could hear. "No, please! Help! Let go of me!" She pounded on his arms as he dragged her towards the bedroom. He threw Lily onto the mattress removing his shirt as he climbed on top of her.

"No. Get off me!" she cried as he began kissing her neck. She struggled to push him off her but he was so heavy. She felt suffocated beneath his weight. "Help!" she screamed. "Help me!" Chris clamped his hand down over her mouth.

"God, just shut up! No one can hear you. These walls?", he banged his fist against the one behind them, "Completely soundproofed. No one is coming. Now, it'll hurt a lot less if you just relax and lie still."

"Brandon's going to kill you."

"You'd really do that to him? Something like this would completely destroy him, and we both know it. He'd lose his mind. You accusing his blood, his best friend, of touching you" he said running his hands up her thighs as she struggled beneath him. "He'd never be the same. That is if he even believes you. I mean common Lil, you did come over to my apartment, all alone, wearing these tiny little shorts, cozied up to me on the couch... We both know you wanted this to happen."

"No" she cried still shoving against the shoulder he had her pinned under.

"You were absolutely begging for it. Anything that happens here is all your fault. You want me and you like it rough" he growled pinning her arms above her head. "Anything you say is my word against yours and we all know how you like to flirt. I'm a nice guy. Who's going to believe you?"

"Help!" she cried again when he moved to unbutton her pants. He was spinning the story he'd report to the police, the lawyers, Brandon- anyone that would listen should he be found out. The worst part was she knew it would work.

"Ah, ah, ah" he scolded wrapping his hand around her throat. "None of that. We wouldn't want anyone interrupting us would we? Besides Lily, I have a lot to lose here myself. It's going to make me really angry if anyone finds out about us. I'm going to need a way to let my frustrations out. I just might have to come after you, and you've seen how I can get when I'm angry." As if to emphasis the underlying threat he picked up the hand that surely held a few broken bones from when he stomped on it and squeezed causing pain to erupt through her arm. Lily sobbed shutting her eyes so she didn't have to look at him. But that face... she couldn't not see it. "So, since it's going to happen anyway why don't you just lay back and enjoy the ride. Trust me- I'm good at this."

He tore open her shirt with his hands exposing her chest. She cried out. He undid his jeans then quickly went on to pull down her shorts.

"No! No!" she screamed kicking wildly to try and stop him. "God, please Chris! It's me! It's me. I'm your friend. Please don't do this!"

But it was too late. He thrusted himself inside her holding her down as she let out another scream.

Lily froze as she felt the intensity of the pain. Her first time had been with Brandon the month before. They'd been together only a handful of times since but she could never remember it hurting this much. Brandon was sweet and gentle. Chris didn't care how she felt, turning rough or squeezing too hard whenever he wanted, only focused on his own pleasure. He either didn't hear her cries or just didn't care.

"Please stop. Please, just get off me!" she begged through her tears. Chris only kissed her forehead as he kept going. She cringed away from him and he slapped her hard across the face.

"Common baby, don't do that."

She spit in his face.

He stopped staring down at her with more rage than she'd ever seen on another person.

"No. No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Please!"

He ignored her delivering hit after hit to her face.

"Behave" he growled with his hand around her throat again.

She shut her eyes trying to pretend it wasn't happening but all she could hear was him panting like a dog in her ear. He began moaning louder and she knew enough to know what was coming. She closed her eyes tight anticipating what was about to happen and wanting nothing more than to get away from him as quickly as possible. He screamed out as he finished moaning her name. He paused resting on her for a moment before rolling off breathless as Lily lay shaking unable to move. The world was blurry. Her ears were ringing. Everything had stopped. He pulled her into his arms holding her close against him.

"That was everything I wanted it to be." She lay there in a complete state of shock staring at the wall as she tried to get herself to breathe normally but his touches just brought a new wave of anxiety each time.

He finally got up from the bed grabbing a sweater from his dresser for her to wear home. "Sorry about your shirt. You just got me so fired up" he winked. "Now hurry and get dressed; we wouldn't want Brandon finding you here, would we?"

She mechanically went through the motions of getting herself dressed and walking to the door making her mind a complete blank, blocking any thoughts from entering her head. Chris stopped her before she could leave kissing her one last time. A jolt went through her body as everything became real and after that she practically sprinted down the hall. She ran for the stairwell wanting to get away as quickly as possible before collapsing on the landing of the 3rd floor unable to keep moving and started to sob for what felt like the hundredth time.

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