Twisting The Knife

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Brandon's mind raced switching between thoughts of hurt, anger, and disbelief the entire drive over. He walked up the Moor's porch swallowing hard and trying his best to hold back the tears. He thought Lily was the love of his life but now that was all gone. He wasn't sure of anything anymore. He pounded on the door then began pacing the porch while he waited for her to appear. Turns out April caught it first.

"Hey B! I'll go grab- woah, is everything okay?" she questioned taking in the look of him.

"Can you just get Lily?"

"Sure" she answered warily. She bounded up the steps lightly knocking on her friend's door. It was that moment she realized she hadn't actually seen her around all day. "Lil, sweetie? Brandon's downstairs" she announced stepping into the room.

Lily sighed exhaustedly from under her covers. "I'll be down in a second."

"Hey, what's going on?" April asked after hearing her tone of voice.

"I don't want to talk about it."


"I have to go see B" she said jumping from the bed and quickly shuffling past April. She bounded down the steps feeling nervous once she finally reached her boyfriend. What was she even supposed to say to him now?

"I'm sorry. I know I said I'd call-"

"Chris told me everything" Brandon interrupted, tears spilled over his eyes.

Lily's heart stopped. What did this mean? What kind of sick game was Chris playing? As scared as it made her the feeling was overwhelmed by relief in knowing she could finally take comfort in him. She fell into his arms crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" she sobbed into his chest.

"A little late for that isn't it?"

She looked up at him confused, "What?"

"Why'd you do it, Lily?"

Lily stared at him in horror. Was he blaming her?

"I didn't do anything."

"Don't give me that bullshit! What? So, you're saying it's my fault? You weren't getting what you want so I drove you to it?" he demanded angrily.

"What are you talking about?!" she cried. "What did he tell you?"

"That you went over there and threw yourself at him like some five dollar whore!" he screamed at her.

She felt like she'd been slapped. She hadn't wanted it. She'd said no. She'd cried and screamed and pushed. She hadn't wanted it.

"That's not true" she defended through a broken voice.

"Cut the denial crap. Why would he have any reason to make something like that up? I saw the way you were acting with him last night. You can't tell me nothing happened."

"I don't know what he said to you but-"

"Don't lie to me."

"It wasn't my fault!"

"Let's not play innocent. Please. Just own up to it so we can both move on."

"I didn't want this to happen" she explained through the tears.

"I can't believe this. You know what? Whatever. Just stay away from me."

He threw the dog tags she'd gotten him for their one year at her feet. And with that one final blow he stormed away from the porch and drove off. She shut the door and fell against the tile bawling.

"What just happened?" April asked running down the stairs the second she heard the door slam.

Lily didn't even know herself. Brandon knew what Chris had done and he didn't even care. He was sticking by him and blaming her for everything. It was all happening just like Chris said it would.

Maybe it was all her fault. Maybe she had been asking for it.

"I don't know. I just... I can't do this."


"Please, April" she dismissed walking back up the stairs.

She wanted out of this. She wanted out of this week, out of this life. She weakly slumped into bed hiding her whole body under the covers wishing it was enough to make her disappear completely.

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