The Pieces Don't Fit

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"Common, woman! How can you not be telling me anything? I'm dying here!" Lily yelled trailing behind April throughout the house. She grabbed on to her ankle in an effort to keep her in place but April kept moving dragging Lily along with her. "Please. Please. Please. Please, please, PLEASE!"

"Lily, for the love of God! Let it go. There's nothing to tell. Swear."

Lily jumped up suspicious. "You were alone with a boy for 2 hours in a candle lit restaurant filled with romantic ambiance and you're telling me that absolutely NOTHING happened?"

"I don't know. I guess he's just not my type."

"Nope. Not acceptable. On paper you two are perfect for each other. I need reasons."

"I don't want to say" she squirmed.

"Alright, you forced my hand. I'm holding my breath until you tell me starting.... now" she said blowing in a huge puff of air.

April shot her an 'are you serious' look. "Lily. Oh my God, what are you five years old? Lil, common. Lily quit it." Lily's chest started lurching. "Okay fine! I'll tell you" she cried poking her in the stomach.

"Thank you!" she gasped trying to catch her breath.

"I don't know... he kind of just gave off one of those vibes, ya know? Creepy. And truthfully... he kind of spent the whole night talking about... you" April explained looking down embarrassed.


Lily couldn't tell which feeling was more intense: her shock at the revelation or her rage towards Chris for being so rude to April.

"Yeah. Look, it's not a big deal or anything. I mean I wouldn't even call it a date and I didn't know him so it can't be personal. I just... I want you to be careful. It sounds like he really likes you."

"Okay, but I don't understand. Like... I don't... What was he saying? This doesn't even make any sense."

"It was just a lot of talk about how pretty you are, and how you said the funniest thing the other day, and have I ever heard you play guitar 'cause apparently it's amazing."

Lily stood unmoving still trying to process what April had just laid on her. "I have to go" she called over her shoulder grabbing the keys from the counter.

"Lily, wait" April called tiredly but she was already out the door. "Well, this will be a fun story for later."

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