A Big Night

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"Good morning, sunshine" Brandon said opening the door the next day to find Lily standing in his hall.

"Hello, gorgeous" she greeted with a kiss. "Now, where's that roommate of yours? Oh, Christopher?"

"I would've thought you were here to see me but... okay. I'll go with it."

He followed her through to the kitchen where she sat across from Chris who was eating a heaping bowl of Lucky Charms.

"Morning, Chris. Got any plans for tonight?"

"A riveting evening of sitting in my sweatpants and catching up on The Walking Dead" he said through spoons of cereal.

"Well Daryl Dixon, is just going to have to wait for another day. How would you like to take out a beautiful girl with a dazzling personality and smile to die for?"

"Is this your way of breaking up with me?" Brandon teased taking the seat beside her.

"Shut up."

"Not gonna lie, man, that's kind of where my mind was heading too."

"Guys, hello, I'm talking about April."



"April wants to go out with me?" Chris questioned in disbelief.

"God, does anyone listen to me around here?"

"Have you been talking?" Brandon teased.

"I'm listening, I just... Wow... Definitely. Okay, yeah. When?"

"You'll be meeting at Caffe Demetre's tonight at 7."

"7? Okay. Okay, I better head to the gym then. Thanks, Lil! I'll see you guys later" he yelled over his shoulder as he ran down the hall to his room.

"It's 11am, is he seriously going to start getting ready now?"

"He's nervous. April's a pretty girl."

"Were you that nervous when you first started seeing me?" she asked looking up at him.

"I nearly peed my pants."

"How charming."

"Lily, common! He's going to be here in like 2 minutes" April whined as she swept blush across her cheeks.

"You wanted your hair curled. It takes time" Lily said sharply growing exasperated with her friend.

"Well, you need to hurry it up!"

'I'm going to kill you' she silently mouthed in frustration behind her head. "Okay, done."

"Thank you" she sighed rushing over to the mirror. She turned back and forth examining her appearance and smoothing out her skirt.

"Are the heels too much? I feel like it's too much. How tall is he anyway? I need to change."

"April, look at me" she commanded grabbing her friend by the shoulders. "Breathe. He is going to love you. You are beautiful. You are smart. To put it simply, you totally kick ass. Anyone would be insane not to like you."

"I love you" April said wrapping her friend in a tight hug.

As they stood embracing each other the ring of the doorbell shrilled through the house. They pulled back squealing and raced down the steps.

"Okay, one last look over." April twirled around giving her the full picture.

"Bit heavy on the eye shadow" Lily grimaced. April's face dropped.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding! You look amazing" she reassured squeezing her friends hand.

"You're such a bitch! But thank you." The doorbell rang again. "Okay. Okay, I need to go."

She half ran to the front while Lily ducked behind the door to eavesdrop.

"Wow" Chris exclaimed when April opened the door.

"Is that a good wow?" she asked nervously.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's a very good wow."

"Well in that case you look pretty wow yourself."

Lily gagged from behind the door. April flung it open just enough to smack her in the arm.

"Son of a-" she groaned before clamping a hand over her mouth to stop herself.

"What was that?" Chris wondered looking over her shoulder into the house.

"I didn't hear anything. Guess we better get going" April said stepping outside.

"- bitch!" she finished once the door shut rubbing the spot she was hit. She peaked out the side window watching as they walked together to his car. He opened the passenger door helping her in then turned and saw Lily watching. She gave him two exaggerated thumbs up. He winked back at her walking over to the driver's side.

"That's it, I'm definitely cupid."

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