chapter 23

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What the hell?

Most panicked 5 minutes of my life...

What the hell was happening??

Was I dreaming?

"Lets get you back to safety kid!" Maria is back? What?

I nodded not exactly sure what I should do... and wheres our car? What happened to this place? The surroundings looked quite dull and somewhat vacant.. and suddenly... chaos! People started appearing out of nowhere??

What in the world?

Forget Maria...


"Yes ma'am"

Okay cool... I still got jarvis...

"Maria... im heading to the compound!"

"Absolutely not... Ronia!... I've been receiving many distress signals from that area... it's a warzone! "

"Okay and what do you suggest we do, without a vehicle... im in no shape to fly 2 hours again..."

"We help get the people away from that area... we clear a radius.. okay"

Okay... I gave a nod..
For once I actually listened and got the people out instead of wanting to join in on the fight...

I watched as scared civilians ran in all directions...

"Okay.. everyone listen up... the end of the world is happening that way so we running that way" I pointed everyone in the opposite direction of the compound... and watched as they ran off...

I flew up to head to the next street where even more chaos was happening and- omg... I regret turning around... aliens are walking through portals on the far end!..

I hurried and got everyone back and tried keeping them back..

After 2 hours of helping civilians... I can successfully say only 32 humans were hit with cars..

In my defense they reappeared in the middle of a road???

People yelling out it's been 5 years since they've seen that person at first I said... thats a very long time what a great reunion...

But as more workers tell their reappearing colleagues the same thing I think im starting to understand...


Damn... I leave for 2 days and then end up disappearing for 5 years!

Whats does mum think?

Omg lizzie?!!! I don't think her anxiety could've taken it!

And Scarlett!!! Her ptsd.. omg.. she's probably so distraught...

"Maria... i did my part i really have to go"

"Hey,no! Its a war zone... !"

"Well im taking my own advice and heading that way..."

She nodded and gave me an approved look..

And with that I headed home...

"Hey guys im home?"

"I already checked... nobodys home" Amelia came down the stairs...I took a scan around the room and it looked so different... subtle..but different... new succulents and alot more pictures of Amelia, Rose and I.

Oh wow this must be so confusing for her... she's disappears for 5 minutes and then the entire house has changed like some sick prank or something...

"Okay... so.. heres what i know... those that turned to dust... disappeared for 5 years, but to them it felt like 5 minutes."

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