chapter 9

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Ronia pov.

I woke up with the biggest headache but I decided to pull through. I got stabbed before, this should be a piece of cake... right?

Well wrong getting up was a nightmare... I was dealing with next level dizziness. I also had cramps?? Am I getting my period?? I just finished though so it can't be that.

I decided to skip gym and sleep in...


"Hey peaches... i didnt want to wake you but it is 6:30.."

I was woken by Scarlett and honestly I the light was blinding complete regrets.

"I know you decided to sleep in today but you gotta get up i gotta get going I have important things that i cant miss today... you want breakfast?"

I shook my head no and with that she left.

I got ready for the day...

"Hey jarvis... enlighten me"

"Well its going to be quite sunny later today but for now its a bit chillie. You have a maths test at 4th period.. and a meeting with 'the gang' after school... you also have two messages. Do you wish to hear them"

"Yes please."

" message sent from amelia... we need to talk its about keen exclamation mark .. quite a few actually.. message sent from Jenny... heyyyy hope your taste buds are ready because mi mom just created a new pizza flavor for us to try and be the judge of. Do you wish to reply to any of these."

"No.. anything on mum?"

"Unfortunately not.. I'll continue to work on it"

I got ready and headed downstairs. And without any warning Scarlett pushed me out the door clearly in a hurry.

The car ride was silent like most... we haven't really gotten close but we are comfortable around each other...


"Holy shit... you look like you got hit by a bus!!!"

"Welll geez... thanks Amelia for that observation.." she was standing by our lockers. Parker walked by not even looking in our direction... I really screwed up with that one.. I don't even get my smoothies anymore.

"You sure you okay?"

"Yea... just over slept and was in a bit of a hurry.."

I headed to the bathroom and fixed myself up abit. When suddenly I had the urge to vomit...

I did not see myself bending over a school toilet today.. great..

I headed to my first class that just happens to be chemistry. I should be fine mr cobbwell adores me But he also expects me to have all the answers. Shoot.

I survived majority of my first classes it was currently break and I entered the cafeteria with amelia..

"Roni.. this is serious you cleary very sick you gotta go home"

"We got a maths test next i cant go ho-" I bolted for the nearest trash can to throw up.. I didn't even eat today where is all this food coming from?!

When I turned back one of the older students had called the nurse who took me with her ...

"You running a fever of 114° you need to head home.. I'm going to have to call your mom. "

Shoot. No. Scarlett is going to kill me she had so much to do today..

"Thats not necessarily.. I'm fine" I got off of the bed and nearly fell.

"You can barely stand.. wait here im going to make the call".

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