chapter 2

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There's everything to be afraid of.
Scarlett and Elizabeth were heading our way. My mum seemed to notice it and she joined us too.

Again. Elizabeth looked like she had seen a ghost and Scarlett was in the same boat but literally looked like she could break down at any minute. Also we were wearing similar outfits.

I looked her in the eye and well and it was a mistake to say the least. We locked eyes for atleast 5 seconds before she said something.

"I know those eyes from anywhere. " she had tears running down her face and honestly this was overwhelming I'm literally two seconds away from running.

"Ronia, my baby" She reached out to caress my cheek. Welp. Two seconds is over ,time to go. Peter picked up on this so he took me by the hand and dragged me away from the entire situation.  In a distance I could see Scarlett dropping to the ground before we took a turn.

Natasha pov.
Ronia took off like I thought she would. She had already made up her mind about this situation and my job is to undo it.

And you're probably asking why I would undo that especially if it means that I could loose my kid, knowing that she's not legally mine and well Scarlett wants to adopt her.

Well an avengers lifestyle is not a great place for her to grow up, sure she knows every fighting technique there is to know. She's genius smart. And very independent and would be a bonus to the team. But I don't want that for her.I want her to live a normal life. Protected and safe even if that means being away from me.

No I didn't just think about this on the spur of the moment it's been a long time coming Bruce and I spoke about it especially after ultron when she tried to be like Wanda and hold an infinity stone. She did so successfully doesn't mean it's not dangerous. 

The plan was for her to inevitably go to clients house and live with Laura or to May but with the accords coming I'm certain there's alot of fighting going to happen within the group and again I don't want it to affect my kid so this morning I thought Scarlett would be a useful option.

Ronia doesn't like to admit it, but she loves Scarlett. In the sense of a role model and don't get me started on Elizabeth. She's just stubborn.

So my plan is to get Scarlett on board first and then speak to Ronia.

Even though looking at the sight infront of me I believe Ronia would be easier to talk to.

I sat down next to Scarlett on the floor.

"Hey you okay?"
She didn't answer.

"How about we get up, we get some coffee and I tell you a bit about our girl" she nodded and we got up.

Point one: make her believe that there is a bond/ relationship between them even if it can't be seen.
We were now seated at a bench on the far end of the food section.

"So how long have you had Ronia" Great it speaks.

"Since she was 7" Yes its only been 7 years basically .

"That's when i lost her. Im glad she had you to look after her."

"Well you practically raised her." This was true, she knows Scarletts movies by heart as well as the interviews.

"What?! that can't be true!!"

"Well it is, there was a phase in her life where she wouldn't watch anything else but 'we bought a zoo' she knew all the words. And don't get me started on how she jumped in excitement when she found out you were playing me. Sure she has unresolved issues but thats because fury explained it to her wrong. I'd like for you too talk about it. Maybe it would give her closure and you never know, what if y'all bond"

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