Chapter 22

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After ditching most technology and flying all the way to shield base to speak to Maria... I was over it..

Did I mention I wasn't even in a good enough state to walk, let alone fly for 2 hours straight...

I genuinely hope Maria is here and that she doesn't snitch on my where abouts... I did not go through all that trouble just for everyone to know where I am..

Once I arrived there were Atleast 50 laser targets pointed at me... I held up my hands in surrender and made my face extremely clear from all angles to show that I am no harm and that I'm actually one of them..

I got in...

"Ronia Mariee Yelena Romanova: level 7 clearance. "

I made my way to that level and hoped that someone could call Maria down or get me up to level 10.

"Agent mini... good to see you again.. to what do i owe the pleasure.." uncle nick on level 7? Surprising..

"Im looking for Maria"

"Well... you shouldve called... she only gets back later.. shes on her way from moscow." I Nodded.

"Maybe you can help me... you created the avengers right?"

"Thats correct"

"Well, i want to know everything about Natasha's real daughter.."

"Whered you get this information?"
Oh so it's real.. I could see it in his eyes he knows something.

"Follow me, that information is not safe here."

We headed to the elevator and he lead us to level 10.. and to his private office..

"Project S.H.E.M"

"What?" What does that even mean..

"S.H.E.M: Strongest human ever made."

Oh wow..

"What was it about.."

"Mr banner and stark worked hand in hand on this project, they wanted to give natasha something she could never have... a child... they created an embryo, using her bone marrow and their sperm... doing this... they didnt just creat a human. They created a super human."

"So a hulk baby?"

"Well... with the advanced tech they could adjust certain dna.. so tony stark and bruce banners brain was used... everything rogers could offer as well as thor. And everything Natasha too.. so this baby was not only the strongest but also the smartest... it became a shield problem when they realised they basically created a super weapon..
They got it right after a few tries, but the night before it suppose to be transferred from the avengers tower to a secured shield based it was stolen... and when it wasnt found... we shut down the program completely... we couldn't risk having it end up in the wrong hands "

Wow.. that was.... alot... fury always does this to me...

"And what happened to the embryo? Was it ever found?"

"No.. as far as we were concerned... it couldnt survive 2 seconds without the proper conditions"

"Fury, you wanted to see- oh hey Angel... you know theres a missing persons report for you right"

Finally... Maria..

"Was that 3 days ago?... if so i was found... and then i ran away "
I gave her a hug ... I was quite happy to see her tho. She however was very confused to why I was here...

"Agent mini wanted to know about project S.H.E.M If you could assist her with level 7 information that'll be great.. also try to keep her out of trouble"

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