Chapter 18.

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Ronia pov..

I woke up at 4am tossing and turning due to cramps and well I guessed I could shower up do skincare and maybe go for a walk/ run.

I'm fully aware that I don't know this place as much as Amelia or at all for that fact.. But I do have Google maps and jarvis... And I'm basically a trained assassin so if I get into any trouble I can fight my way out..

And let's not forget that my suit allows me to fly 😉.


I shot scarlett a text letting her know about my whereabouts..

The plan is to basically just walk into the nothingness... However there is a cute little park nearby..

Lizzie pov.


I woke up to scratching noises...

Scarlett was packing?

"Good morning sleepy head.. What are going to do for breakfast... I already packed our bags so we can be help the kids and get everything sorted... "

Oh wow..  Ima marry you someday...

Shit. Imagine if Wanda reads my mind one day and I have those thoughts damn.. I'd be pulling a Peter.

"thanks angel.. Are the kids up? "

She shook her head no..

"okay.. I'll get them up and get breakfast ready...? Or are we eating out? "

"I don't feel like dishes "

Typical johansson trait..

I headed to rose and she was up on her iPad... I left her to chill because her light should be turning green soon which allows her to come out...

Amelia was up too..? What miracle.

"hey mom... About that thing we spoke about... "

"would love to talk.. But you gotta get ready and pack.. We'll be leaving toda-"

"WHAT?! WHY?!"
Okay there's yelling.. This won't end well...

"everyone decided that it's time to go"

"EvErYoNe? What about me? Did you even care to ask me about what I feel? Or did you just ask your perfect little blonde and red head.. They not even your ki-"

"Enough! We already spoke about this.. You are all my kids and I love you all equally.. As for us leaving.. It's final end of discussion... We having breakfast soon... You can choose to join us as a family or not.. But we leave at 11 for the airport so be here. "

I didn't exactly give her time to talk, I just left and headed to ronia room..

She wasn't there? I checked her bathroom and she wasn't there either...
I yelled out for her and no answer...

" scarlett ronia isn't in the house " panicked...
Where could she have gone... She doesn't know this place.. This is her first time in Africa.. Oh Natasha romanoff is going to kill me!

Scarlett bolted pass me and head downstairs and to her horror no ronia in sight...

I could see tears building up so I hurried down to her.

"hey, it's okay... We'll find her... Let's go try her cell... "

And as if on cue... Ronia walked through the door..

"oh thank God! "

Scarlett rushed to her and did the parent check to see if she was hurt... Amelia walked down and literally rolled her eyes at the situation before making her way out the door... I guess she won't be joining us for breakfast...

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