The Intro

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hey sparklers!
firstly I wanted to welcome you all back to book 2, if you new hi :)

secondly this book is probably goto be updated once a week.

I don't own any of the characters but Amelia and Roni.

I'm not exactly great with English but I try.
we all here for fun, it's a book where anything can happen so please let me know if you have ideas???👀
lets begin!

"OH MY GOD" it's like I spotted a ghost.i dropped the tray and the glasses went crashing.

it can't be.

Roni pov.
On my way to Amelia's house I was worried that this could go badly.Her mom is a celeb and not to mention my previous situation. I finally put it behind me and I really don't want to go open up a box I already shipped off to the 'please forget' part of my brain.

when we reached the door Ms Olsen was waiting behind it.holding refreshments. When she finally spotted me ,she went pale and the glasses fell from the tray in her hands.

I panicked and took off. Thanks to uncle Tony for gifting me Jarvis on my birthday I was able to access the thrusters on my suit to fly out of there.
Amelia ran after me but she failed her mission.

Lizzies pov.
And just like that,she was gone.

Lia ran after Veronica, while my knees decided to give in on me. I was on the ground, not exactly trying to get up, clearly still in shock and trying to process the event that had just taken place.

Lia finally comes back looking more disappointed than worried. She helps me to the couch and then heads to the kitchen. When she arrives back she hands me a cup of sugar water and starts cleaning up the mess.

Did that really just happen. My brain couldn't comprehend the situation, but after a few sips of my sugar water I was up and running. I headed to my office to call a family meeting! This is huge!
If it's true,that is.

Lia pov.
I was nearly done cleaning mom's mess when she jumped from the couch, clearly on a mission. She headed straight for her office not even acknowledging me.

I finished up what I was doing and headed to my room.

Two can play this game.

She doesn't acknowledge me I won't acknowledge her. She didn't even greet me ,or ask how my day was . Or the very least apologize for scaring off my friend and now Roni probably thinks we are freaks and will probably never want to be my friend again. Great, I lost my first friend and I'm sure it hasn't even been a month.

I headed to the shower to clear my brain, once finished I did my hair. I could hear Scar and Evans down stairs .It was mostly muffled words.

But i got the just they were trying to figure out what happened earlier. Why are they making such a big fuss about it. I wasn't about to give them info so got into pajamas and while looking in my cupboard,i searched for an outfit for tomorrow.
Boy who am I kidding, I'm probably not allowed to go to the festival amusement park thing.

I let the thought slide and got into bed trying to avoid the chaos downstairs.

I was about to dose off when my door banged open.

Scar: Amelia we going to that festival!
________________________________________________  word count 584

Hey sparklers!(again)

I know it's short.
But it's only an intro to what's bound to come.also remember we have alot more marvel events in this than the previous

So stick around
If you don't mind voting and following and even commenting opinions or ideas it would be appreciated.

Please take care of yourselves.

Sparkle out!

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