Right person wrong timing?

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I fell in love with him the first time I saw him. Well firstly it were his looks that I recognized about him, it was a late night, a Saturday. I've been here in this different country for nearly a month and my stay was coming to an end.

I love traveling the only bad side that no one ever talks about is that when you go to a country so far away from what you call home is that you might never be able to feel home anywhere after that.

Back to the story, I was out with my friends to celebrate our last 2 weeks here. We where having a few drinks as I saw him on the other end of the bar. And god he was so beautiful, laughing and talking together with his friends. I remember that I saw him before, I actually talked to him on one of the past weeks because my friend was hooking up with one of his friends. I remember just watching him like he was something I've never seen before, he was smiling and talking non stop, and I wasn't able to do anything but stare at him. That beautiful man. And now he was here again.

„Y/n? Are you still listening?" my friend laughed at me following my gaze
„you should talk to him" she said knowing exactly what was going on
„Yeah I probably should" I took another sip of my drink, slowly starting to feel a little tipsy
„We don't habe much time left you know, and anyways if something goes wrong we'll be gone that's the good thing about traveling" she was right, I knew that so with all my courage I went over to the other end of the bar together with her.

„Hey Boys" she said smiling, recognizing her hook up from the last time. I tried to not stare at him but it was nearly impossible
„Hello beautiful Ladys" he said smiling like always
„Didnt think we're gonna be that lucky tonight and find you here" her dark haired hookup said and she smiled moving closer to him. For her it was so easy with guys. I had to fight my insecurities and shyness first before getting the courage to even just talk to a guy.

„Alright lovely meeting you, y/n you'll be hearing from me in a few hours alright?" she winked and went of with the guy leaving me and h/n alone.
„Guess that leaves the two of us to have an amazing night all by ourselves"
„I guess so" I replied moving just a little closer to him
„Two shots please" he called out and just seconds after two small cups filled with a green liquid came up the bar
„Thanks" I smiled before downing the shot in a single move
„You're supposed to look each other in the eyes when taking one or you will have bad sex for the next seven years" he said whilst looking at me and drinking his own
„now we gotta take another one to make up for it so the sex gods will forgive us" I laughed at him. Truth is I not only like his looks, what I loved about him was his carelessly funny personality. He never even tried to be funny but still every conversation we had was so entertaining, I started to feel so comfortable with him. Our conversation never stopped, it felt like hours sitting next to him, looking at him while he was talking and smiling.

Another shot arrived and this time I looked him in the eyes and drank it all.
„You're a quick learner I See" he smiled and I noticed him leaning a little closer to me.
„can I just say something?" I ask him taking everything in me that I need to say these next words
„I think you are so beautiful, like there is just something about you that makes you so you" he smiles leaning in even more
„While we're at it, your eyes are so beautiful" he says putting his hand on my waist. I don't think twice before moving onto his lap and leaning into the kiss. And after the first kiss there follows another and another. We completely loose track of time, flirting and laughing, kissing and touching each other. I don't ever want this night to end.

But it had to at some point. He had to go home, his friend came picking him up with his dog waiting for him in the car
„Oh my god can I please pet him he is so cute" a little brown dog looks through the open window straight at me
„Of course, that old man is happy about any kind of attention from pretty lady's right boy?" he kneels down next to me laughing.
But then eventually he has to leave, I go back to the bar and call my friend, she says she'll arrive soon.

Fake scenarios + one shots (y/n x h/n)Where stories live. Discover now