•Fantasy(cruel prince inspired)• |baby|

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Y/n pov:
I live in a world with magic, a world where people are able to have super powers. My power is that I can fly, without wings, I just can lift up from the ground and fly. My best friend is able to read minds, one of the coolest superpowers, I wish I could do that. And then there's H/n, his power is his strength and fighting skills. We have a constant teasing game going on, always trying to get the other to admit his feelings.
Right now we're sitting in a restaurant, and no it's not a date, he said he was just hungry and asked me to come with him. An excuse, I know that this dinner should be a date.

I stare at him while we both wait for our pizza.
„What are you doing?" he asks staring back at me

„Reading your mind to see if you have a crush on me"

„Since when can you read minds?"

„Since my best friend thought me how to do it" he raises an eyebrow not believing me. I cannot read minds but it's funny convincing him that I can

„So do you like me?" I ask with a smile

„You know the answer" he crosses his arms in front of his chest. So is that a yes or a no?

„I knew you liked me" I smile at him

„you can't read my mind, now shut up, I don't like you"

„Bullshit. I am going to read you're mind now and reveal all your nasty desires"I close my eyes and pretend to see things going on inside his head

„No. Okay fine I'll admit it, I like you"

„Stop lyi- wait what did you just say?"

„I said I like you. Satisfied?" so it was this easy all the time to get him to say that?

„Didn't expect you to admit it. You know I can't read minds, it was just teasing, like always" he looks down and shakes his head

„I feel kinda stupid right now, for believing you one time"

„Aww, sorry baby" I give him a pity look

„Don't you dare aww-me or call me baby" he whispers angrily. Cute.

„Come on look at me" I take his hand but he pulls it away quickly

„I don't want to look at you"

„I know you want baby" He looks up and smirks before he suprisingly grabs my face. Well I ain't so tough anymore when he looks at me like this.

„So you think you can tease me, but I can't? Baby I know you want me just as bad as I want you" I try to think of something I could say, but I can't. He's right and He knows he's right.

„So why don't shorten this and continue that game back at my place huh?" really good idea, I wouldn't survive dinner now without kissing him, or more.

„Okay" I whisper, it's all I can say for now.

We get in the car and drive to his place
„If only you could read my thoughts now, oh you wouldn't believe your eyes. The things I would do to you" After that he throws me on his bed and finally kisses me, first gentle then harder and more roughly. That man drives me crazy.

I was going to use that scene in my Bucky Barnes fan Fiction, but cut it out.
So best friend = Wanda; H/n = Bucky

I think some of you noticed, YES the picture above is fanart from cruel prince, bc I thought it would fit, anyone who read it knows that they also have like a fantasy/teasing love story. Anyone who didn't read it, I would highly recommend it!

Anyway no credits to anyone but myself ;)
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