•famous fake dating•

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In the following scenario H/n is a famous actor and you are a famous actress. You're working together on set of a romantic movie.

„Okay you both know what to to this is our last take for today"
„And action" The director says and I play my character

„I had a really good time today chris" I say while hanging my jacket over the wardrobe, slowly walkin towards H/n who is sitting on the couch watching me intensly
„me too" he stands up and stands closer to me. I don't move and wait until he finishes his line
„I think we should repeat this" he puts a lost strand of hair behind my ear. This shit was not in the script and he knows that as well as I do but I choose to just move on
„Sure, just uh.. text me" I smile at him before turning around to leave that's when he grabs my hand and pulls me against him. My breath becomes more heavy and I look into his eyes with my mouth open until he finally leans in
„fuck y/n you're so hot"

„Cut" the director yells before his lips touch mine
„did you just say my name?" I ask and he smirks. Like literally smirks at me
„Okay I get it we're all tired it was a long day we'll just edit the last part out thanks guys" and with that our diretor walks out of the door leaving me and H/n here.

„I can't believe you" I say shaking my head and grabbing all my things
„My mistake you know that it can be confusing with all the names" he says fllowing me around like a lost puppy
„Yes, but it shouldn't happen in scenes like this imagine if someone would've taken a video"
„The internet is already creating so many rumors one more or less wouldn't hurt" I sigh
„I know. Gosh last time I checked they said that I started to date my ex again can you believe that?" He looks at me disgusted
„See, I don't even know who thinks of such bullshit"
„I'm dating selena gomez according to famous birthdays" I laugh knowing that he is more than single
„Paparazzi suck"
„They do"

I say my goodbyes to everyone at set and head home to my white mansion in Los angeles. There I eat something and go through my lines before finally falling asleep.
But I couldn't sleep long because my phone starts ringing at 4 a.m.

„Do you know how late it is?" I ask whoever the caller is
„Yes I do" I hear H/n's deep voice saying
„Let me sleep and annoy selena gomez or someone else"
„That's the thing Y/n"
„This is to early I don't get it" I sigh and sit upright in my bed
„You know I've thought about our conversation earlier and I had an idea"
„Please enlighten me H/n"
„Why don't we date?"

I ask again just to be sure that I'm not dreaming all of this
„I don't mean real dating, why don't we pretend to date so that they all stop with the rumors"
„So you are saying you want to fake date me?"
„I don't know H/n I have to think about this, how about we finish our movie first and I talk to you again?"
„Sounds good"

After this weird and completely suprising conversation I can't stop thinking about his offer. I mean we are not usually like this, the H/n I know would never ask me to date him, even if it's only fake dating.

As the time we finish our last day of filming I'm heading outside the studio only to be blinded by hundrets of flashing lights. Paparazzi are surrounding me and I don't have my sunglasses to just go though all of them
„Y/n" everyone shouts and I don't even know where to look or wich question to answer first. That's the side nobody ever mentions, everyone want's to be famous but situations like this and the lack of privacy is what they don't think about.

„Put your cameras down, I will not ask twice" I hear H/n's voice from beside me and suddenly the flashlights are slowly becoming less. I take my hands away from my face and look at all the paparazzi. H/n is known as a monster to paparazzi, he destroyed a lots of cameras and hates answering questions or being shouted at.

Fake scenarios + one shots (y/n x h/n)Where stories live. Discover now