•Bad boy x smart girl (my fav)•

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A cliché scenario where H/n is the school's bad boy and you a forced to help him now. Enjoy :)

Also I'm going to try something new, like a little fake scenario story with 2 chapters or something🥳

„I'm sorry but I already have so much stuff to do" I look at my schools director with a polite smile before I turn my head to H/n who is sitting in the chair next to me, legs wide open, eyes almost close as he watches me with a bored expression. Clothes completely black and a tattoo on his hand, reaching up his arm.

„Like what? Going to math club with your Alge-bros"

„I know you can't believe it but some of us really use their brains for something useful"

„And some of us have a normal life, bet you never heard of that"

„Enough!" The director says, now visibly angry

„No basketball for you until you get better grades, and no more extra time in the labor for you until he get's better grades"

„What?!" h/n and I say in the exact same time

„That's not fair, you can't punish me for his stupidity" I complain

„Our school stands for respect and friendly interaction between students, and I think if you two spend more time together you'll learn how to respect and help the other. Now there's the door, I'll see your results after the exams"

I stand up angry and leave the room, he can't be freaking serious, I didn't even do anything and now I get punished?! Respect and friendly interaction my ass

„Y/n" I hear H/n shout behind me

„Fuck off" I hold up my middle finger and turn around in the hallway to go to the library

After spending fifteen minutes there reading my new book to cool down I hear h/n scream my name through the whole library

„What is wrong with you, here's a no talking, no screaming, no running rule" I whisper shout and pull him behind me

„Sorry Never been in here" he complains looking at all the books like he never saw a book in his life

„I can tell" I move on to the math section and give him the books for all the stuff we have in class right now

„Okay so if we want this whole thing to work we have to start now, you'll read these until Friday" I hand him two books about square functions

„That's in two days" he looks at the books, then at me

„No shit Sherlock"

„I have training after school"

„Well not anymore, incase you didn't hear what the director said, no training until your grades are better"

„Holy fuck he's trying to kill me, these books better work, smart ass" and with that he leaves the library

„Your late" I cross my arms in front of my chest as I sit in the empty library

„I'm never late, you're just too early" he sits down next to me, boots on the desk, arms resting behind his head, eyes closed and muscles flexing. What an ass.

„Our meeting started an hour ago"

„I know, the petrol of my motorcycle was empty so I had to push it the last mile"

„I don't care, you're better have read you're books so that we can finish this fast"

I hand him a simple square function wich he has to solve, he looks at it for some time, then looks at me

„Nothing" I shrug my shoulders and look away from his empty paper

Then he slowly pushes the paper over the table to me.
Under the task is written
How the fuck am I supposed to know this shit, smartass?
And under that he drew a dick.

I take a breath to control myself from not jumping at him and punching his smug smile off his face

„Did you read the books?" I ask, even if the answer is obvious


„Then why the freak aren't you able to solve this easy function?!"

„I just, I don't know, I read the books but I didn't understand a single thing. With all the fractions and weird numbers and letters"

„Okay" I take another deep breath before taking out a paper

„Let's start with the basics"

I spend almost 4 hours with him in the library, teaching stuff he should've learned years ago.

„Tomorrow same time Same place"

Tomorrow we do the same, repeat everything until he's able to know the things a 16 year old boy should be able to do. Only that he's 18.

„So weekend off?"

„Hell no, we Need to study every minute that we have"

So instead off spending my Saturday and Sunday outside in the sun with my favorite book, I spend it at h/n's home with math and history books. Because it turned out that he's just as bad in history as in maths.

„I should probably head home, my parents gonna be mad if I'm home late"

„Strickt parents huh?" he asks while I'm putting on my shoes

„sadly, yes"

„I'll drive you home" he closes the door and we walk to his garage

„No,no, no, no. Forget it I'll walk"

„C'mon what's wrong with my motorcycle?" he looks at this thing like it's his baby and I just insulted it

„I'm not planning to die tonight, I haven't even finished half of the things from my bucket list"

„You can add driving motorcycle to your bucket list, that's cool, and then you can immediately cross it out because you'll drive with me tonight"

„It's you fault if we die"

„We won't smartass" he grabs a helmet and places it on my head, carefully closing it but he stops as his eyes met mine. And suddenly I'm not able to move, to speak or to think. His eyes go from my eyes to my lips for a brief second.

„We should-" I start my sentence

„Yeah, sorry" he turns around shaking his head as if he also can't believe what in the world just happend

Then he swings his leg over his motorcycle and starts the engine
„Get up" I sit behind him, a little lost because I don't know where to put my hands

Suddenly he speeds up before coming to an abrupt stop only 5 feet later. My arms automatically grab his torso, now my whole body is pressed against his

„Better" he says before he starts to drive again, this time more slowly and without any unplanned stops.

We don't drive long until we reach my street, maybe 5 minutes. But enough time passes for me to inhale H/n's perfume and oh my I'm not gonna lie when I tell you I want to drown myself in exactly this perfume. Hypothetically.

„Here, stop that's my house"

He hits the stand on the motorcycle, generating it to

„Thanks, for the ride" I smile awkwardly before I start walking up my porch, only then I realize I still have his helmet

„Wait!" I scream, he stops his motorcycle and looks at me

„You helmet" I hold it up in the air but he only shakes his head

„Keep it, I'm coming around tomorrow to pick you up again" he screams back before he kicks into gear, driving off into the night with a roaring sound.

I'll upload part 2 immediately, no worries

Please let me know what you think about the idea of making „short stories"
You like it or should I continue making only short fake scenarios like the ones before ?

Don't forget to vote love u bitchess <33

Fake scenarios + one shots (y/n x h/n)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant