•Bad boy x bad girl• |babe|

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Y/n pov:
After we went to the cellar to get some whine for everyone in the living room I try to open the heavy old wooden door. But that door has other plans, no matter how hard I press against the door, it stays closed

„Let me try babe" I shrug my shoulders and let h/n try his luck, but just as I expected the door remains closed. I start to laugh at his failing attempts.

„So you find amusing that we both are stuck together now?" he smirks and walk towards me

„No, I just laugh at you're failing attempts" he rolls his eyes and sits on the big couch.

I open the bottle of wine and take a sip
„We're playing a game now so that we don't die because of boredom"

„A game?" he asks while I sit down at the couch next to him

„yes a game, you know the game never have I ever?"

„No" really? I suck at explaining

„What did you do in your youth? Nevermind, you or me gonna make a statement, and when the statement apply's to you, you have to take a sip from the whine. If not, then not. Understand?"

„Okay got it"

„Never have I ever skipped clases" we both take a sip.

„Never have I ever did something illegal" again we both take a sip

„You naughty girl" he smiles

After fifteen minutes:

„You know what the questions are boring, from now we're playing the adult version, so just naughty questions please"

„No problem babe" Babe? I like the sound of that

„Never have I ever kissed someone. A tongue kiss" I Tilt my head before taking a sip. Really that's all naughtiness he has?

„Never have I ever fucked my teacher" again we both take a sip. I laugh after, we're both no good.

„Needed a better grade?" he asks with a smirk

„No. He was hot that's all" he shakes his head. Like what? You never had a crush on your teacher?

„Never have I ever regret a kiss" a good question. This time only I take a sip

„What you didn't?"

„Obviously not, why would I kiss someone when I know I'll regret it?"

„Well, I blame it on the alcohol"

„Next question, never have I ever been in love?"I ask. He takes a sip, I don't

„Sweet, didn't know you have a heart"

„I don't, but if I had I would give it to this person" I don't say something after that.

„Never have I ever got a thing for our schools Bad Boy " funny, he is out schools Bad Boy. I take a sip.

„Knew you got the hots for me babe" he winks

„Never have I ever had a thing for our schools Bad Girl" in other words never have I even had a thing for me, y/n. He takes a sip.

„Knew it"

„Who Said I'm talking about you?" I furrow my brows and then make a sad expression without realizing it. Now I feel extremely stupid, thanks
Suddenly I feel his hands cupping my face

„I was kidding babe" I look up and directly in his eyes, it's just now that I realized how close we were the whole time.

„Never have I ever wanted to kiss someone so bad" he sad, looking down from my eyes to my lips. Without interrupting our eye contact I take a sip, and so does he.
H/n trails his fingers along my tight, up on my waist and finally to my face where he brushes his finger over my bottom lip. Then his lips crushes onto mine.


Okay I admit it I have a thing for the bad boys.

I don't really know what to think of that chapter but posted it anyway lol

Don't forget to Vote babez⭐️

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