the element of surprise

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~ flashback ~

You had been anxiously waiting for classes to start, which probably wasn't a feeling shared among most of your classmates. A change of scenery felt mandatory at that point in your life. It's not like things were actually bad, you just felt like you needed a change. You wanted to make new friends, get away from home and live life like you wanted. So, as you made your way to class with your roommate Sasha at 08AM, things were actually pretty nice.

Sasha had this incredible ability to make friends that you wish you had, at least as quick as her. It seemed like she already knew most of your classmates and you were still in the first week of classes. Yesterday, as you were organising your notes, you saw her talking to a boy that you hadn't seen before. So when she approached him as you walked through the campus, you couldn't say you were totally surprised. However, you were surprised by how cute he was.

"We better hurry, we're late..." She said, rushing your steps as he followed you.

"We're going the wrong way. You know that, right?" You said, and she rolled her eyes. But you also caught a glimpse of the boy smiling at it, which made you smile foolishly, oh no.

"She's right. We're supposed to be in the courtyard now" He continues and you turn your route around.

"There they are..." She pointed as you rush your steps towards your classmates.

You sat down on the benches where everyone gathered, squeezed in between Sasha and the the unnamed boy. He's blonde, taller than you and also appears to be just as much of an introvert as you. The first activity of the day would be with your group of Low Tech Performance. And it basically meant a performance that didn't involve a lot of technology, like sing a song or do a dramatic reading.

This girl went first, and she started doing a dramatic reading of a poem. It was a poem that appeared to be written in the point of view of a young widow, about the heartbreak of losing a loved one. Halfway through it, she started crying hysterically, which was then followed by her yelling the words. Everyone looked at each other, wondering if she was okay, or just too invested.

"Pretty intense" The boy whispers and turns to look at you.

"I know, right?" You look at him, taking a better look at his eyes. They were a pale shade of blue, and probably the most beautiful pair of eyes you'd ever laid eyes on.Your attention seemed to have been entirely captured by the intensity in them.

"I'm Brian" He smiled, showing his perfect teeth. And you started to wonder if there was actually something unattractive about him as you tried not to completely swoon over him.

"I'm (Y/N)" You smiled back, getting lost on his features for a moment, before your attention is brought back to the moment by your classmates clapping.

You took a break for lunch after your professor kept you in for more than you expected. You and Sasha parted ways with Brian as you made your way to the bathroom. Which meant that you'd finally be able to question her about the blue eyed boy you'd met for the first time earlier. He was quiet for the most part, but every time he opened his mouth to speak, he either said something really funny, or really intelligent.

"So... Brian..." You started as you walked inside the bathroom.

"What about him?" She tilts her head, looking confused.

"What's his deal? Like, what do you know about him?" You ask, checking yourself in the mirror.

"Apparently he transferred from BU this year. He went from French Literature to Performance Art. Crazy, right?" She told you nonchalantly.

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