Chapter Twenty One: Awakening.

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Elijah suddenly found himself standing in what was once his New Orleans home, the compound in which Marcel lives. He stood in a perfectly pressed tux looking around at the decorations, a banner across the railing of the upstairs level that had a raven painted at one end of the words.

'Happy Birthday Raina'

Elijah frowns touching his neck that tingled before the realisation set in and he turned sharply crumbling emotionally upon seeing Raina standing there dressed up beautiful in a deep green dress, hair styled back and a worried smile on her lips
"Hi" she whispers biting her bottom lip nervously. Elijah exhales sharply.

"Hi" he strides desperately towards the girl unable to stop himself from crashing his lips against her's holding her desperately, she grips his arms tightly "do not ever do that again" he breaths heavily.

"Listen" she cups the back of his neck "I don't know how much time we have, I'm using all of my magic to be here. Your mother tried to link me to you and your siblings that night of the ball, I had to do something. I had to do something so I could come back to you, you had to believe it and I am sorry. Full heartedly sorry. But, Elijah. You are the only one who wake me, your blood will wake me"

"You're buried in Mystic Falls-"

"No. I am where ever Nik is. All that funereal stuff was just a cover up, in place just incase your mother or Finn were alive. The coffin was empty, Nik knows where I am" he pulls her flush against him and just breaths, for a moment they stood there before Elijah pulls away looking over her appearance.

"You look magnificent" he smiles lightly. She laughs lightly as he raised her hand spinning her slowly "tell me... what memory is this?"

"My sixteenth birthday" she walks to the centre of the grounds smiling small "Marcel, he uh.... He found out my birthday was coming up and refused to let me spend the day drowning myself in the bar or go for a hunt" Elijah listened closely "he filled this entire building with people, tourists just looking for a good time and he took my favourite gun to make sure I dressed up and enjoyed my night" she faced Elijah licking her bottom lip "and do not Marcel, but it was my favourite birthday since I was a kid"

"You don't celebrate?" He frowns slightly.

"Not since I was little. My parents stopped paying attention to me and focused more on Elena" she shrugs it off walking towards a table poring two glasses of wine "Marcel is an ass but he can throw a good party"

"Language, please" he scolds lightly smiling nonetheless "but yes, I agree" she chuckles handing him a glass "Marcel is quite... an ass"

"Elijah, language" she mocks taking a sip of her drink "do you celebrate your birthday?"

"After time... celebrating something so..."

"You don't want to be reminded of hold old you are" she muses head tilting a little "don't worry, I like older men" she steps closer pecking his lips.

"I think your age would rise more concerns" he half smiles "you are still a child"

"A child" she scoffs "compared to your age, Elijah. Everyone is a child and age is just a number, considering you don't age at all, I think it doesn't matter"

"I wonder..." Elijah frowns slightly "what age... would you want to remain?"

"Hmm" she frowns "I never thought about it. But I don't care, I can pass for twenty, maybe twenty one in most places" Elijah gasps touching his chest "Lijah?" She frowns touching his arm "someone removed the dagger" she told, he coiled inward on himself "and put it back in" she frowned moving her hand to his chest "our connection is breaking, don't forget to ask Nik about me, Elijah"

"Never" he pulled her close kissing the girl with so passion as they both felt themselves drifting away...


"Where is she, Niklaus?" Elijah stared at his brother with slight narrowed eyes "Raina, where is she?"

"Elijah... Raina's gone-"

"No" he cut Rebekah off never looking from Nik "she told me how to wake her. Now if you want my forgiveness, Niklaus... returning what is mine is a good place to start"

"She's in the basement with Kol and Finn" Nik told. Elijah vanished from their sights, Haley stood puzzled.

"Whats going on?" She more demands then asks. Before one of the siblings can respond, Elijah returned laying the girl on the sofa with a delicate touch. She was lifeless, heart not even beating but nevertheless, Elijah bit into his wrist and rested it between her parted lips, Haley could see Elijah's desperation, his hope as well as Nik's and Rebekah's.

"Raina" he took his wrist away studying her closely, listening for her heart beat that thumped slowly. She inhales deeply with a gust of air bursting through the house "Raina" he cups her cheek looking at the girl and became the first thing she saw upon slowly opening her eyes.

"Lijah" she whispers smiling small "you remembered"

"Always" he smiles helping her sit up and moved onto the sofa pulling Raina to lean against him.

"What the bloody hell?" Rebekah stared. Raina's head rests against Elijah heart thumping loudly in their ears as she looks towards Nik.

"Thank you"

"Of course" he frowns slightly "little sister" he adds smiling slightly.

"Can someone explain to me what just happened?" Rebekah demands "she was dead"

"Our mother planned to link Raina to us the night of the ball, however. Raina saw through her spell and cast one on herself to preserve her body" Elijah told "I could not know in case either mother or Finn were to survive that night she tried to kill us but she asked Niklaus to make the appropriate arrangements" Raina raised her hand seeing her engagement ring and smiles as she gently cups Elijah's cheek.

"I love you, Elijah" she told softly "I'm sorry for what I did"

"I told you" he grips her hand gently kissing the palm "I am not mad"

"I'm confused..." Haley trails.

"Haley this is Raina, Elijah soulmate and fiancé" Nik told "does she know about Marcel's rules?" Nik looks to his brother.

"I believe he and Raina are friends" Elijah adjusts the girl on his lap "we shall discuss everything tomorrow" he told lifting her in his arms and carried the girl upstairs.

"You said soulmate" Hayley looks to Nik "I didn't think they excited"

"Raina is a special kind of witch and with Elijah she has a supernatural and unbreakable bond" Nik told "lets just hope they don't complete that bond or we'd all be buried under the rubble of New Orleans" he mused with a smirk.

Upstairs in his room, Elijah had changed his mate into a loose top and some trouser's before changing himself into comfortable sleepwear and slides under the cover's with her. Naturally she fits so perfectly against his body that Elijah couldn't imagine anyone else being in his arms, not anymore.

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