Chapter Seventeen: Bringing Out The Dead.

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Raina sat in her bed, her Grimoire resting on her lap as she writes, adding more to the soulmate page when her head Elijah's voice.

"Creating spells?" Her head raised smiling instantly as she takes in his new appearance, hair short and noticed the tray of food in his grasp then Nik steps into the room glancing to her Grimoire he had only seen the blank pages off.

"Something like that" she mused softly gently closing the heavy book "you look good" she compliments.

"Thank you" Elijah set the tray on her bedside table removing the Grimoire from her lap to further down the bed before replacing it with the tray "I brought you breakfast" he rests on the edge of the soft mattress as Nik sat in an armchair near the window besides a tall unit full of all kinds of books "how are you?"

"I feel better, not fully recovered" she admits.

"We have something to discuss" Elijah told calmly "but if you are not-"

"My ears and ability to talk are perfectly fine, Elijah" she told "please, I'd like to help in any way I can" she grips his hand. Elijah frowns hesitantly before turning the tray to face himself moving the glass of water to the nightstand.

"Niklaus" he spoke the name with an underlined hatred making the girl frown looking towards the hybrid expectedly. Leaning on his knee's with his elbows Nik told the girl the complete truth about his history with Esther, their mother as Elijah took to cutting up the girls pancakes that a compelled chef had cooked. Raina gulped once he had finished telling her and Nik grew worried the girl would no longer see him as someone she could trust.

"She cursed you" she spoke looking at the hybrid "I understand why but..." she looks to Elijah worriedly "thats why Rebekah is still daggered, because she knows?"

"Yes" Nik admits. Elijah turned the tray watching his mate smile to him in a silent thanks as she grasps the knife and fork starting to eat slowly.

"There is something else" he told her "I spoke with Damon Salvatore" she frowns "we are to have dinner with him and Stefan, tonight. I will not ask you to join us nor shall I expect you too" he told softly.

"No, I want to be there. They need to know I'm not so easily subdued, not as easily as they think" she told firmly "I promised not to use my power until I am fully recovered but that does not mean they get the satisfaction of knowing they got the upper hand"

"If something happens to you-"

"I will have you to protect me" she smiles to Elijah knowingly "and Nik"

"Of course, Raina" Nik showed a small smile "may I ask about your Grimoire?" She nods a little despite Elijah's disliking to his brother's interest "I will admit, I snooped. But the pages, they were blank"

"Only those who a shifter shall deem worthy, can read the pages" Elijah told seeing his mate eating her breakfast "but even so, the spells are hard to understand. A language unique to shifters" he explains further.

"She has a spell, Elijah" Nik told in a curtain tone.

"I'm aware"

"All this time you knew?" Nik scowls to his brother.

"The soul purpose of the Shifter Witches is to end all vampire life" Raina confessed "should an original die, so will every vampire in your bloodline" she looks between them "but I am soul bound to an Original. Though it does not make sense and perhaps if Elijah was not my mate, I might have thought about using it but the only time I have ever thought about it was when we returned, Nik. Because of Mikael" she told calmly "I am sorry I didn't tell you, but you must know that only a Shifter can perform the spell and one Shifter exists at a time because of our Chaos. More then one of us and it wouldn't just effect nature but the entire world" she sigh's softly reaching for her glass bringing it to her lips taking a sip.

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