Chapter Seven: Know Thy Enemy.

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Waking to Damon and Stefan standing in her room, Raina sat up with a groan.

"Its too early for drama" she ran a hand through her brown hair looking between them annoyed "what?"

"Before, when you mentioned a tattoo, can we see it?" Her tiredly annoyed expression become one of suspicion eyes squinting slightly as she raised her hand and closed it like before to make sure Katherine didn't hear them "now, why wouldn't you want Katherine to hear us right now?" Damon was now the suspicious one as Stefan frowns between them.

"Why do you want to see my tattoo?" She asked shoving the cover's from her body and stood from the bed revealing her smooth pale olive skinned legs standing in just a large over sized jumper crossing her arms annoyed.

"Stefan?" Damon looks to his brother in a curtain way that makes Stefan sigh and step forward pushing his hands into his jean pockets.

"I remember hearing a story about a hunter, their bullets vanished inside their victims. A friend of mine said that the hunter.... Was known as the Raven Huntress or the Raven Witch. A Shifter Witch" Raina pursed her lips and began to chuckle.

"You seriously think I'm a Shifter Witch? Me? I'm sorry, do you see any raven's around here?" She mocks.

"You said you're a witch but not one like Bonnie. Practically begged me not to tell anyone" she looks to Stefan flicking her eyes to the younger Salvatore rather annoyed "oops" Damon smirked.

"I don't want people knowing because I have just enough magic in me to be a witch. To make not human, I can cast privacy spells because I've spent the better part of seven years practicing them, I can light a candle but thats all. Incase you haven't noticed, I don't have witch ancestor's to talk to let alone be taught how to use what little magic I have" she spoke angrily "and I make my bullets from a material that dissolves when in contact with warm liquid, blood. And my tattoo is a small E, for Elena. Okay?"

"Sorry, gotta see it to believe it" Damon eyed the girl. She let out an annoyed breath and pulled the collar of her jumper down to show what is in-fact an E just below her collar bone but it wasn't a tattoo at all. She noticed after her shower last night, it was an E for Elijah and she assumed Elijah has an R for her in the same place.

"Any other accusations?" She glared between them annoyed not getting a response "good. And I swear to everything above, if either one of you tell Elena or anyone, I will not just shoot you, I will drive a stake into your hearts. Am I understood?" She practically growled out the words showing why her reputation had returned with her.


"Good. Now get out of my room" they both left pulling the door closed behind her, she resealed her room and fell face first onto her bed with a groan. She has to be more careful from now on.


"Hey" Stefan walks into the kitchen watching Raina place the freshly cooked and slightly crispy bacon into a bread roll as she glanced up to him.


"Uh... Isobel's just showed up at Elena's, Jenna's gone out of town and I'm heading over. Want to come with me?"

"Nope" she pops the P licking her thumb that had tomato sauce on it noticing Stefan's frown "if I go near John or Isobel, I'll probably kill them and I won't feel bad about it either, hence me not joining you" she told honestly.

"At least she's honest" Katherine leans on the kitchen doorframe eyeing the girl.

"You should try it some time" Raina shot back smirking a little and left the kitchen bumping shoulder's with Katherine heading to the dining table. She eats her food able to hear Stefan and Damon talking, Katherine mentioning that she didn't want Isobel to know she stuck around.

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