Chapter Fourteen: The Reckoning.

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"Elijah" Raina stood from the sofa smiling small.

"Something troubles you" he looks at the girl knowingly. Raina told him everything, from what happened during the summer away from Mystic Falls, to Klaus waking Rebekah and his siblings finding out the truth about her and to Klaus wanting to protect her "Niklaus told you this?"

"He said despite his actions towards you, despite killing you, that he would honour our bond and protect me" she explains "even after he found out I'm a shifter witch"

"I see" Elijah frowns "and why have you called for me, why now?"

"I missed you, I want to talk to you and I... I'm conflicted"

"Between your family and my own" he sits besides the girl on the sofa "Niklaus did not ask you to be at his side?" Her head shook slightly "and you do not wish to protect Elena?"

"Thats all I've done, Elijah. When I found out about vampires, our parents told me that I could become a good hunter in order to protect Elena. I am what I am to protect her, I haven't lived my life for me since I was ten years old, Elijah. I..." she sighs running a hand through her hair "I tired of doing what other's want me to do, expect me too. Why must I live my life for Elena? Because nature intended it that way?"

"I can not tell you what to do nor shall I guide you. Raina, I believe we are bound for a reason, perhaps you were not meant to protect Elena but bring balance in a different way" Elijah studied the troubled girl besides him "I say do what you believe is right" she smiles with a gentle scoff "have I said something amusing?"

"Klaus said you'd say that" she smiles small.

"You and Niklaus have grown close?"

"Being what I am helps me tell if a person lies to me and Klaus hasn't. Not yet" she admits softly "its all so confusing. From what I have herd about Klaus he's not someone to show kindness, give mercy or forgive so easily and yet.... He has been all those to me. Even brought me a birthday gift"

"Birthday?" Elijah frowns.

"I turned eighteen at the beginning of summer" she nods "spent the day torturing a werewolf"

"I am sorry"

"Its okay, pretty normal since I turned eleven" she shrugs lightly "why does Klaus care so much for our bond?"

"I do not know" Elijah squints slightly "perhaps it is best not push him, not until I am revived"

"I'm tired of not doing what I want, Elijah. I want to live for myself, for you" she wanted to grip his hand and lean against him but knew she couldn't "the more in tune I became with my chaos I realised I could do that but I had made a name for myself and every witch that could called for me and with nothing else to do I listened, made allies and enemies. And like a fool I ran right back to Mystic Falls to continue to protect Elena-"

"So stop" he cut her off calmly "do what you wish, if you want something, get it. I can not aid you in my current predicament but I do believe that my siblings will. Trust in your abilities and follow your own path, I trust you'll do what is right for you" she smiles small looking over his features imprinting them even more into her mind.

"Thank you, Elijah. And I promise to revive you when I get the chance"

"I am not going anywhere" he smiles slightly amused "you gave Niklaus five years and those years you should live for yourself, I shall be here when ever you need me. Just call for me like you have"

"Its not fair, Elijah. You deserve to live too"

"I have. Many lifetimes over, for centuries" he reminds "all I ask is that you live" she reached up fingers nearly touching his cheek and sigh's sadly.

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