Chapter Eighteen: Dangerous Liasons ( part one )

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Raina woke in her bedroom of the Mikaelson mansion alone changed into a loose jumper and some trouser's with a note on her other pillow. Sitting up she moves the hair from her face pulling it all to one side with a sigh as she grasps the paper and unfolded it finding Elijah's writing.

'Rebekah has gone after Elena, I shall return shortly. My brother's are questioning my desire to keep you safe and I must warn you of Kol. Do not provoke him. And I shall explain the return of our mother once I am home.


Frowning deeply at the mention of their mother, Raina set the piece of paper aside and went to leave the comfort of the bed when Nik walks into the bedroom carrying a glass of water.

"How do you feel?" He set the glass besides the bed looking at the girl with great concern, she inhales deeply letting it out slowly.

"Tired mostly" she admits watching him cross the room to close the bedroom door and sit on the end of the bed.

"Did you know?" He stared at the ground clearly on edge "what Elijah had planned, did you know?"

"Yes" she admits grabbing the water taking a sip and licks her lips.

"Why did you not warn me? I could have-"

"Could have what, Nik? Denied Elijah his family? His own flesh and blood for another thousand years?" She began to grow angry.

"You don't understand-"

"No, I think you don't understand" she studied his eyes "Nik, you have given and taken your siblings away from each other for a thousand years. Finn has lived longer in a coffin then he has ever lived. All Rebekah as ever wanted is to find happiness, love and Kol..." she sighs "Kol is probably the most misunderstood of your siblings after you. Just because you are a hybrid it does not give you the right to decide when your siblings live" Nik knows his brother's are listening, specially Kol who had asked him of the girl and her connection to Elijah but she didn't care "and Elijah has been loyal to you to get nothing but pain in return. For once, Nik. Just once, give your family a chance to be a family" Nik looks away from the girl as she gulps down the rest of the water and sighs.

"You talk of them like you know them" he muttered "like you understand what its like to have your family taken from you" she set the glass aside and moves to sit besides him.

"You forget, my family abandoned me" she softly spoke "and you did kill some of them" she reminds in a light tone smiling small as he looks to her "my adoptive parents, Miranda and Greyson. They did not raise me as a daughter, but as something else. My siblings none the wiser, none of my family knew besides my biological father. But even so, he still played a part in ruining my childhood and any chance I had of a family" she told gently.

"You compare your silly little trauma to a thousand years of mine?" He stood angrily "you know nothing! Your pain is but a small scratch compared to mine!-"

"I am not talking of yours!" She raised her voice to match his angered words "how can you be so selfish, Niklaus?" By speaking his full name she had caused something to snap inside him and all the anger vanished completely from the hybrid. She stood from the bed rubbing the name under her collar bone "your pain might be great but it is a different kind of pain. Mine is just as painful and so is the pain of your family. Just as great and just as important as your own. You spoke so highly of the bond of family and told me repeatedly that you care for them, yet when they have their freedom you want to only banish them again. You have a craving control, Nik and that is your greatest flaw" she told pulling the cotton robe from the bathroom door and tugged it on tying the belt loosely around her waist before taking the glass "Elijah tried to kill you for his siblings, Nik. Don't you think that shows how important family is to him?" She walks up to him "and why I stop him? Had I been well enough, I'd help him" she admits leaving her bedroom walking with soft steps through the mansion down to the kitchen.

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