Chapter Two: Elijah.

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"What can I do for you, Elijah?" She asks calmly.

"Perhaps we should talk elsewhere" He quietly told. She sigh's studying him closely.

"They can't hear us" she admits softly "please, have a seat" she gestures to the armchair by the fireplace and sat in the one opposite watching Elijah reach for the back of his neck rubbing his index and middle finger over his skin a few times as he sits in the seat "so, what brings you by Elijah? I know that only Damon and Stefan know I'm here, well. There's John..." she trails beginning to smirk "he's probably sporting a nice bruise"

"Is that so?" Elijah frowns "are you aware of my deal with Elena Gilbert?"

"I am now, I didn't know when I decked John" she admits "sorry" Elijah frowned studying the girl wanting to hide the confusion of his lack of anger.

"You didn't know I hurt John. So, what brings you?" She tilts her head curiously.

"I'm not sure" he reluctantly admits, Raina let out a sharp sigh.

"I'm Raina, by the way" she smiles softly "figured you should know my name since you're protecting my sister" Elijah leaned forward with a new wave of confusion.

"You're a Gilbert?"

"Elena's twin, actually" she told "her actual twin. Older by a few minutes"

"Impossible" Elijah instantly spoke "a doppelgänger can't have a twin unless they're a doppelgänger themselves" Raina sucks air in between her teeth.

"That would be an unbalance to nature" she points at him dropping her hand back on her lap "but so would the twin of a doppelgänger being human...." She trails.

"What are you?" He studied the girl, everything about her. Her scent, her heartbeat and every inch of features down to the light brown shade of her eyes.

"I've herd about you" she tucks her legs under her getting more comfortable "Elijah Mikaelson. The noble original. You're good at keeping secrets, can I have your word that what I'm about to tell you, stay's between us?" She studied him in an almost desperate way, hope in her eyes.

"You have my word. I shall keep your secret" they both felt the tingles grow stronger making her neck roll and Elijah rub his neck again. Standing from her chair Raina approached the wooden chest and lifter the lid, the bottom lid she removed and took a black leather bound book with aged and new pages. Replacing the cover back into the lid and closed it, she offered the book to Elijah who slowly took it and turned it over seeing the cover with a mixed expression "you're the Raven Witch" he looks to the girl who now sat opposite him again with a slight smile on her lips.



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"Also known as the Raven Huntress, yes"

"I don't believe I follow"

"Nature would not be balanced if the doppelgänger had an identical twin, however. The doppelgänger is a supernatural being, they can't have a human twin. So, to keep a balance to nature, I was born a witch"

"A Shifter Witch"


"You were made a witch to keep a balance to nature, why a Shifter Witch? The most dangerous-"

"Only dangerous if provoked or when practicing dark chaos" she cut him off "and to answer your question. The Gilbert bloodline doesn't have witches, not a bloodline strong enough for me to be born a natural witch, like Bonnie or the witches you have" she explains calmly "Damon told me" she half shrugs seeing the puzzlement in his eyes "and no, no one else knows what I am. Damon and Stefan, who I'm sure will tell the others, know I'm a hunter" she leans forward a hand held out for the grimoire that Elijah hands back. Resting in the seat she flipped through the book glancing to Elijah who stood and moved around the chair.

"The pages are blank" he frowns.

"Rest your hand on my shoulder" she said turning the pages. Her movement stopped feeling his large hand resting on her shoulder and gulped thickly before continuing, the pages were now filled with spells for Elijah like nothing else he had ever seen "a shifter's grimoire is protected, only a shifter and those we deem worthy can see it" she told softly still flipping through until she found the page she wanted and frowns at the words.

"And the language?" Elijah asks not missing her comment about him being worthy, it made him smile unknown to her.

"Different for every shifter, mainly focused around our chosen animal" she stood from the chair from his touch "shit" she closed the book.

"Language, please" he frowns at the girl "may I ask what has yo-"

"Have you herd of soulmates?" She asks hugging the book tightly.

"They don't exist"

"For shifter witches they do" she began to chew her bottom lip.

"I don't follow"

"You felt something, right? At the back of your neck and you somehow came here, unsure on what drew you here"

"Do you mean to tell me, that not only do soulmates exist..." he raised one hand in front him index finger and thumb pressed together "but I am yours?" She licks her bottom lip rubbing them together with a sigh through her nose.

"First our souls call to each other, thats the back of the neck feeling. Second is a sense of... wanting to protect each other, be near each other. The connection brings us close to each other but it doesn't mean anything romantic has to happen. Those feelings are purely natural, if they ever surface" she sets the book on the armchair and crossed her arms with a sigh "there is a way to break the bond..."


"Its painful" she told "and... a shifter's magic its made of chaos. Its bound to our souls and its what keeps us alive. Have you herd of the Lion Witch?"

"The Dark Shifter. Laid waist to all of London in the late 1800's" Elijah frowns "why do you ask?"

"He and his soulmate rejected the bond. A werewolf was his soulmate, he also went crazy, murdered his entire pack and his family. Men, women, pregnant women and children. Rejecting the bond destroy's our souls, removes them and all of our humanity leaving behind an un-killable demon for you and a dark shifter for me" she explains slowly "rejecting the bond would..."

"Destroy everything" he muttered knowingly "how do you know this?"

"Only one shifter lives at a time but every spell, every wrong decision and anything that effects history in the worst kind of way is in our grimoire. One book for all shifter's recording our species history. Like a witches magic has limits, ours has... warning signs, horrible effects on not just those around us but everywhere. The Lion Shifter was killed by thousands of witches and warlocks from all over the world, his mate as well. Thats the only way to kill us, a thousand possibly more natural witches bringing balance to nature"

"We can not break our bond" he told firmly "however, we can not act on it. I do not wish to put you in harms way, if Niklaus finds out that you and I are connected he will use you against me or me to gain control over you"

"There's one more thing" she picks up the book walking towards him opening the black page, the leather cover she pilled away and turned it towards him "the origin of shifter witches" she told "in translation... the first shifter witch was born when the original's were made. Our soul purpose... is to kill an original"

"And yet, we are bound by souls" Elijah nearly smiles at the fact but Raina let slip a breathily chuckle "doesn't quite make sense"

"No. It doesn't"

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