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"I do not seek battles. Battles just seem to seek me." - Uhtred, The Last Kingdom

Year: 126ac

Location: Winterfell

5 Riders who were scouting the lands far out from Winterfell had returned rather urgently. Brandon, Elric and Benjen were alerted upon their return.

The Five Men had entered the Great Hall, waiting for Lord Bennard to arrive. The Three Brothers and Lord Bennard arrived inside, now having to be seated. "Speak."

The middle man steps forward. "We rode as fast as we could. They are a Days Journey away from arrival."

"How many men?" Benjen asks.

"Less than what we have."

"Did you see The Dragon?" Bennard asks.

"No Dragon on sight." Another confirms.

Bennard nods to himself. He was a bit impressed that his nephew had gotten himself an army, but he was not worried, now that he knew how many men were with them. Bennard would win easily and keep Winterfell for himself and pass it on towards his sons. A glorious victory. But the main factor was the Dragon itself. Weapons had been specialized in the making. Giant Bows with Steel arrows at the ready just outside the walls, hidden in plain sight by the snow.

"We are well prepared. No need to be scared." Lord Bennard stood from his seat. "Guards at the ready at every tower and lower."

They nod at him.

"I want Dralarys Targaryen, alive."

Location: 50 miles from Winterfell.

Guards posted up on the trees, hidden away from sight, keeping the small army area safe. Others walking around, making sure nothing strange has gone off.

Inside the large tent, Cregan, Arra, Brandeth, Brax, Terrick, and Dralarys looked at the drawing of the map that surrounded Winterfell. Sara was off to the side just listening. She will not be joining the fight.

Dralarys points near Godswood. "Once I manage to get over the wall, I will then proceed to go through Godswood and find Bennard Stark."

"Who will be with you?" Cregan asks.

"No one. I can handle my own."

Brandeth sighs. "I will go with her."

"No, You will stay with your assigned men in the south. I am small enough to not be detected."

No matter how many times they've spoken about strategies, it was clear that no one had any battle experiences other than training.

Dralarys was giving out the battle plan. It was if she was experienced, but never said her reason on how this would succeed. She saw it in a dream. The Battle of the Bastards. She continued. "If our men get surrounded, we are finished. We have no other way of backing this up."

"I do not like this plan." Cregan pinched the bridge of his nose.

Terrick was quiet the entire time. "I have an idea."

Everyone eyes him. Terrick clears his throat. "I will be a Pawn."

Arra is quickly defensive. "No. Absolutely not."

"Listen, if we all go in different directions all at the same time, that would most likely be a terrible way to die." His hand points west. "These woods are not far off from Winterfell. What Dralarys says is true. They are bound to have soldiers there for backup and attack from the rear." His finger moves to the south. "You give me 250 men, and I will be the one to start the battle. The other 250 will already be attacking from the west."

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