Prologue and Casting

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"I am no maester to quote history at you, Your Grace. Swords have been my life, not books. But every child knows that the Targaryens have always danced too close to madness. Your father was not the first. King Jaehaerys once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, he said, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land." - Ser Barristan Selmy

Aemma Targaryen. Mother to Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. Queen of The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Wife of Viserys Targaryen. She had past away trying to birth her baby boy out of the womb, but could not. The King made the choice to have her cut after being advised so, to save the babe inside of her. Aemma died without ever seeing the birth of not one... but two children. Ballon Targaryen was the boys name the father and mother had decided for him. But never expected a daughter in whom The King did not know what to name her.

That very same night... the baby boy, Baelon Targaryen died in his sleep while his sister was sound asleep in a nurses arms.

That very morning... A funeral was held for both Mother and baby brother.

Rhaenyra held onto her baby sister for the father did not have the strength to hold his own new born daughter.

Rhaenyra called out the word. "Dracarys." Her dragon had burnt the bodies of her beloved mother... and the brother she never got to meet.

Rhaenyra stayed with her father after everyone had left.

King Viserys turns over to his beloved daughter, Rhaenyra. Looking down at his new born... he's now decided on a name. "Dralarys." He now spoke aloud his thoughts. The baby girl was sound asleep. Didn't matter how loud the dragon was. Or how windy it was. This child made no fuss.

"What?" Rhaenyra had asked her father, not understanding what he had meant. Did he mean to say Dracarys?

The King nods to himself. "Dralarys. That will be her name. Named after commanding a dragon to let out its flame. To breathe and let out fire." He seemed disappointed in his new born. Never once tempted to hold her. "That is her name." King Viserys nods to himself, leaving the sight.

Rhaenyra stared down at her sister. The baby had opened her eyes. Pure violet eyes. A true Targaryen in the midst. Second in line to the throne now.

On the second day of the child being born... King Viserys had decided to focus on his grown daughter, Rhaenyra Targaryen. She would soon be successor to the throne after him. He knew his time could come for him. He could feel it with every fiber of his being. But this meant he has also decided to let someone else raise his new born daughter elsewhere. Far away. It reminded him of what tragedy he had brought upon himself for not saving his wife instead of letting the babes die and so that he could try again with Aemma.

Of course... Alicent Hightower, best friend of Rhaenyra, was the one who heard and had to tell her the news. Rhaenyra was furious. This led her to go to The Great Hall and disrupt whatever her father was doing. "Why?"

Viserys already knew and dismissed everyone away. It was only them alone now. "She will be better off."

"She's my sister."

"I need to focus on you. You are my priority."

"And she's not? Why can she not stay here?"

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