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"It seems to me that a queen who trusts no one is as foolish as a queen who trusts everyone." - Daenarys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Game of Thrones.

Year: 126ac

Location: Winterfell

It's been a week since the Battle of the Bloodline had ended. Many of the enemy soldiers were no longer enemies to the true Lord of House Stark.

Cregan Stark's name was chanted after Bennard and Brandon Stark had burnt.

Brandon had buried his friend elsewhere in the lands of Winterfell.

Arra and Cregan had been closer than ever since then. Holding hands everywhere they went.

The only one who did not celebrate was Dralarys Targaryen. She hasn't been home after the bodies were turned into ash.

Cregan and Brax had gone hunting with a group of men. They've captured lots of food for the people. Change is what Cregan wanted. It was what Winterfell needed.

Brandeth had shown up with a boar. "We are eating well tonight boys."

Cregan and Brax chuckles watching him drag the dead boar back to Winterfell.

Upon their return from the hunt, a large meal had been prepared and cooked for the town to feast. Many children were running around and playing with whatever they could get their hands on. Others played hide and seek.

In the Great Hall, many drank and sung to the music.

Cregan danced with his friends who he now considered brothers.

Arra smiled and joined in on the dance.

Brax stood up on the table, gathering everyone's attention. "Just two years ago during The Last Seed, Winterfell witnessed a small group of children leave their rightful home. Nowhere to go. No one to turn to." The crowd is silent and serious. They remembered it as if it were yesterday. The downfall of Winterfell itself as a whole. "A month after that... two more from Winterfell escaped their homes. One of which was I... and another... to my fallen brother, Terrick." Brax raised his cup. "To Terrick!"

The Crowd cheered. "TERRICK!" They chugged what they had in their cups.

Brax finished his and sighed. Brax looked down at Cregan and Arra with a smile. "Just a month after my brother and I left Winterfell and went down to White Harbor... I have gained two more brothers and a little sister." Brax looks at Sara. "You keep being you, Sara." Sara smiles taking a sip out of her wine.

"But... I am honored to announce... that my sister had not been a Norrey since the month of Frost Fall, nearly two years ago." The crowd gasps in excitement. Brax looks at Cregan once more. "Now I can call you brother... brother." Cregan stepped down, hugging Cregan.

Cregan Stark hugged his brother by law while the music resumed and the many sang away.

Cregans eyes was caught by Brandeth's back facing him within the crowd. Dralarys was seen leaving from his grasp. Brandeth followed after her.

Cregan lets go of him. "Thank you, brother." He then faced his wife, whispering in her ear. "I have to go." Arra looks at him. It had hit her that Cregan had never told Dralarys that they had been married since their arrival to White Harbor.

Dralarys had been running through the crowds outside of The Great Hall just to reach outside the walls of the castle. Brandeth had pushed on until he broke through, chasing after her.

Although Dralarys was fast, Brandeth legs in length were longer, just barely giving him the advantage to catch up to her. "Stop!" He shouts, having to grab her arm. Dralarys turns to face him. She was hurt, that much was clear. Dralarys tries fighting him off with her other hand, but Brandeth catches her hand. "Enough, Dralarys!"

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