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"If By My Life Or Death I Can Protect You, I Will. You Have My Sword." - Aragorn, Lord of the Rings.

Year 112ac.

Location: Winterfell.

Lord Rickon Stark and his small group of his most trusted men had accompanied him to Kings Landing and now they have returned home with one more person. A baby.

Lady Gilliane Glover and 4 year old son, Cregan Stark, were informed of Lord Stark's return when they spotted him and his men. Cregan quickly got his small coat, jumped out from his parents bed, rushing over to the wooden gates.

Lord Stark arrived with one hand on the ropes of the horse and the other holding something that Cregan could not see. The Horse stops. Rickon Stark carefully gets off the horse and smiles at his son, patting him on top of his head.

"What do you have there, father?" 4 year old Cregan asked.

Rickon knelt down on one knee, holding the babe close. Cregan tiptoed with anticipation until his father made his way to the ground. The covers were unveiled. A small baby. Cregan noticed the hair. It was different from the Lannisters or even his own hair. "The King has assigned us to raise and care for the babe. A Princess of The Seven Kingdoms." He tells his son.

Cregan is in awe. The babe woke up after feeling a slight chill. She did not cry, but simply stared at 4 year old Cregan Stark.

"What is her name?"

"Dralarys Targaryen."

"A Targaryen?" A woman's voice is heard within the distance. Wife of Lord Rickon Stark. Rickon stood back up, still holding the babe in his arms. "Please do not tell me that it is yours?"

Rickon chuckles. Oh how he loved his wife and her protection over him. "King Viserys advised me to raise his daughter. Make a warrior out of her." Gilliane is relieved to have heard that. She did not need rumors or drama. Rickon was surely faithful.

"Father, I want to hold her." Cregan pouts reaching up to his father.

"You have to be gentle, Creg." His mother warns him.

Cregan nods having to mimic his mothers crossed arms on how a baby should be held. Rickon slowly placed the babe in his arms, supporting under. "I got it, father. Let me do it." Rickon swiftly moves back, watching his son hold the babe in his arms.

Gilliane and Rickon watched their son form a smile on his face. His eyes were soft as the babe just stared at him with her lavender eyes. It was almost hypnotic. Dralarys was warmer than the average person. Targaryens were the same temperature and could withstand the cold weather due to their long and forgotten use of their magic abilities, but their blood had never changed.

Another set of running footsteps are heard. 5 year old Arra Norrey, friend of Cregan Stark, made her way over to him. She gasped. "A baby!" She loved kids. She had 2 other siblings of her own and loved taking care of them. "You didn't tell me you had a sister."

Cregan looks at her. "She's not my sister."

Rickon cackles. "Alright. Alright. I have to go set up your old bed. Watch her for me son."

"Yes, Sir." Cregan now had a mission. To protect and hold the baby no matter the cost. Cregan watched his father and mother leave and was left with his friend, Arra. "I want to show you around."

Arra squeals. "Take her to Godswood!"

"I will after I have shown her around!" And there they both went. From the shops, to gear makers, to swordsmith, and much more. The Crypts was a no, no, since it was dark and scary down there. But now they had made their way to the quietest part within Winterfell. Godswood. Cregan would often come here when he wanted to nap after training for hours on end. But today was no training day. "And that's the Weirwood Tree. It cries from time to time, but pay no mind to it. The taste is quite good."

"Eww, you tasted the tears?"

"Arra... I'm showing her the tree."

Arra huffed. "Okay. Well. I'm going home. Let's play later." Arra walked off.

Cregan sat by the small pond, holding her close. She's been keeping him warm. Kind of neat. "You're going to be a warrior. Just like me. I will teach you what I know, okay? Promise." And just by leaning against the Weirwood tree, Cregan went to sleep. And so did Dralarys.

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